Chapter 5

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*non proofread*


I walked towards the main road all the way back home. I am having difficulties to breathe due to the broken ribs on my left side. I walked slowly near the side walk of the road. After 30 minutes of walking, I finally saw our rented house not far in front. I tried my best to walk towards my house by bearing the pain on the ribs. Once I reach the door step, I unlocked the door then walked in and took off my shoes, socks then closed and locked the door. I slowly walked into the kitchen to get the medication inside the first aid kit for my cut eye brow, lips and my nose.

Most werewolf was able to heal themselves from any injury but due to I have not reached the age to shift, my injury will heal like a normal human being and if I don't eat enough to regain my energy, the scars won't disappear and the pain will be severe. I took the first aid kit and put them on the dining table while I walked into my bedroom, put down my bag on my study table and phone. I then stripped and walked into the shared bathroom outside.

After 10 minutes of painful shower, I walked out from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around me. I walked to the dining table and took the medications then went into the bathroom basin and apply the medication onto my cut eyebrow, the cut lips and bruise nose. The sting feeling near my eyebrow really kills me because I nearly drop the bottle of medication into the basin when I apply it on my cut eyebrow. As for the broken ribs, I can't let my mum knows about it so I am just going to apply some ointment around it.

I slowly rub the ointment around my left side ribs and I can confirm that at least 2 ribs were broken base from the severe pain of it. Once I finish applying medication around my injury, I put them back into the first aid kit and store it back in the kitchen cabinet.

I then walked into my bedroom closet and took at a set of sports bra, boxer pants, large hoodie and a tracksuit. I wiped dry my short hair then hang the towel into the bathroom. Due to the pain, I slowly laid down on my bed while scrolling my phone on the Social Medias. I didn't notice that had a text message notification. I then opened and saw an unknown text message.

To my surprised, it was a text message from Brianne informing everyone that this afternoon meeting was canceled and will be re-arranged again later. My eyes are getting smaller and smaller and within seconds, I was off to dreamland.

**Later that night**

"You are a freak, you are a freak.... Go away, go away" sang a brunette with a few more girl friends surrounding me.

"I am not a freak. Mama says I am special" I defended.

"You have octopus near your wee wee part" said the brunette laughing louder.

When I wanted to run away from the bunch of kids near the playground, someone pulled me by the back of my shirt.

"Not so fast" said the fat boy and then he punched me on the stomach and I fell onto the ground. "You are not allow to go near any of the girls in this school else I will beat you every time I see you around" said the fat boy. He then kicked me on the ribs causing me to vomit blood.

Those kids then left the playground leaving me lying on the ground. I tried to stand up but due to the severe pain, I fell down onto the ground again then fainted.

**crying sound**

I slowly opened my eyes when I heard someone crying nearby. I then slowly pushed myself up so that I can stand up properly. I looked around the park then notice a little boy was on the floor crying. I then walked towards the boy.

"Why are you crying?" I asked the golden hair boy.

"I fell off from the tree while trying to get my kite. Is so painful. Is my leg broken?" the golden hair boy asked.

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