Chapter 30

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**non proofread**


I just kept on running all the way in front trying to avoid the person I dearly missed but not wanting her to meet or see me. Without looking at where I was going while trying hard to see through the busy road under the hot sun, I was hit by a minivan from the right.


Once I got hit, I was thrown onto the road after hitting the windscreen and rolled down onto the ground screaming in pain while clutching my right chest. When I rolled over to my left, I saw Brianne trying to cross over the road to where I was and I started to have ringing sound on my head and a sting on my right chest.

"I need to get away from here. I can't be seen by her" I growled and tried to push myself up to stand properly but my sight was making it difficult to focus on the direction I need to go because of the afternoon sunlight.

Once I managed to stand up, without hesitation I forced myself to run again but this time towards the other side of the road without looking back at people nearby watching in shocked while Brianne was shouting for me. "I just need to get out of here and I will be okay" I told myself and kept on running even though my head is bleeding. I am not afraid to die because I knew I will be able to heal back once I have the energy but I am more afraid to see her again and cause her to recall back all those bad memories of me.

After 15 minutes of running non-stop, I came across a pine tree and stop underneath. There was blood dripping slowly from my forehead and my eyes were getting more blurry, I tried to search around a place where I can rest and heal. I then slowly walked over a bench facing a lake and sat down. I closed my eyes trying to make my mind focus on my body to heal and my breathing to go back to normal.

**2 hours later**


"Who's there?" I sat up from where I am laying and quickly opened my eyes trying to look around where the sound came from using my werewolf senses.

The sky was covered with darkness as thick cloud was forming up in the sky. Within seconds, the cloud slowly dispersed and reviewing the majestic Moon showing its brightness onto the land below.


"You better show yourself else when I get up, you will be dead meat" I scowled then I sensed someone's presence nearby and I knelt down taking my stance to attack. With my left eye, I was able to see things very clear within 5-meter radius at night and even can detect body temperature of anything nearby. When I detected someone was walking close, I started to pounce onto that person and this caused him or her to fall down.

"Whoa! Hold own there my child" Leonardo said while gasping for air.

When I knew who it was, I quickly rolled over and let him go so that he can breathe properly.

"I-I am sorry. I didn't know it was you" I said feeling guilty looking at the necromancer whom saved my life few years ago.

"Is not actually your fault. I am the clumsy one who didn't expect that Ash Lawson has already grew up to be a strong werewolf with extra powers now" Leonardo said while cleaning himself and giving me a hand to pull him up.

"Why are you here? Is there something happened in the Kingdom" I asked frantically feeling my anxiety building up.

"No, no.. is not that and please stay calm as I don't want you to be aggressive later with the mighty moon power" Leonardo said while pointing up at the beautiful full moon.

"Then why are you suddenly here in the middle of nowhere and at the exact place where I am?" I asked scratching my head looking curiously at the necromancer.

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