Chapter 25

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**non proofread**

Third Person POV

Ash was so sad and heart broken but she knew what she did was for the safety of Brianne. Ash seems to be a dead person walking around the house or just sat at the corner of the safe house; no reaction, being silent and eat less since she came back after meeting Brianne.

As mentioned by Damon, the grand elder sent two Elder to meet up with them at the safe house the next day. Leonardo, Yvonne and Benner then packed their stuff and asked Ivana to open a portal back to their house. Once three of them disappeared from the house, Damon signaled Margaret to get Ash and took their luggage and put into the van where the other two elder came with.

Since the Kingdom is surrounded with some magical spell, no one is allow to enter using any portal spell. So they had to use land transportation to go there. Ash was still sitting on the chair at the corner of the safe house when Margaret walked in. She walked over to her daughter and tapped her on the shoulder to signal her to follow her.

Ash then looked up at her mother and stood up. Ash then walked slowly following her mama out from the safe house. Before she climb into the mini van, she turned around and looked at the house and the surrounding for the last time as she can sensed that she won't not be able to go back there again.

Once everyone went inside the mini van, Damon signaled the other elder to start driving. It takes 4-5 hours journey from the safe house to the border of England then another 3 hours to reach Scotland and the Kingdom. Once the van starts moving, Ash lay her head onto her mama's shoulder then a few drops of tears started to roll down onto her cheek while she closed her eyes.

**After7 hours**

Hudson POV

**knock knock**

"Come in" I said while checking on some book of spells.

"Our spotter feedback saying that they spotted a minivan entering our parameter" a hooded guy said.

"Good. Keep monitoring them and update me on any status" I instructed and the guy walked out from the room.

I then walked over to the bookshelves and trigger a hidden book to open the hidden door behind. Once I am inside, I ring the bell on the table. Thick black smoke appeared then someone walked out from it.

"You summon me, master?" my no one assassin asked bowing at me.

"Yes. Please go and kill everyone in that minivan on the way her and bring me that child without harming her" I said while my assassin nodded and vanished.

It hen walked over to another wall and turned the candle holder anti-clockwise and review hidden brick door. I pushed opened the brick door and walked in. All the light automatically lighted up once I walked in and there she is; the coffin of my wife displaying in the middle of the room. I walked slowly near it and touched the name engraved on it; Maria de Monterro H.

"Very soon, we will be together again forever my love" I said while touching the name on the engraving.

Damon POV

I was checking on the time and was texting Maxim to meet us at the main gate of the kingdom, suddenly something caused the car tire to burst. All of us were shocked and the car swayed to the right towards a big tree. Luckily we had Ivana with us. She managed to cast a spell and the minivan managed to stop on time before crashing directly into the tree.

All of us quickly walked out from the minivan. Ash was the last one to walk out from the van when suddenly black smoked appear surrounding us.

"Be careful everyone. Be vigilant. Something is not right. Stay behind me" I shouted and went to protect Ash and Margaret.

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