Chapter 16

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*non proofread*

Brianne POV

"Goodbye Bri. Call or text me later okay?" Spencer said while waving goodbye once Jefferson drop her off at her house.

"I will when I am feeling better. Bye" I said then closed the door and sit back into the car.

After 5 minutes drive, I reached my house. Once Jefferson parked the car, I got down with my bags and books.

"I am not feeling well and I don't want to see anyone except Spencer" I said to Jefferson while walking up to my room and he just nodded.

Once I reached my room, I opened the door and walked inside then closed it. I dropped my bags and books onto the floor then slowly crawled into my bed; hugging my favorite white teddy bear. Tears starting to come out from the corner of my eyes. I didn't know that I am holding it until my face touches the soft pillow.

"Did I do something wrong? Why didn't she wait for me to explain everything or she really hate me that much to talk to me?" I asked myself while sniffing.

**ding ding**

I rolled over to the side of my bed and trying hard to reach for my sling bag. After 2 minutes of struggling, I finally managed to get the sling and pulled the bag over to my bed. I open it and took out my phone, unlocked it to check who texted me; it was by best friend.

"Should I text her and tell her what I am feeling?" I whispered to myself and finally sit up and texted her.

**after 20 minutes**

**knock knock**

"Hey Bri, can I come in?" Spencer asked standing outside my room.

"Yeah..." I said while hugging my teddy bear.

The door slowly swing opened with Spencer walking into my room. She then closed the door and then walked towards my bed and sat on the edge.

"How are you Bri? You can tell me anything and don't keep things inside" Spencer said holding on my hand. I then looked up to her eyes and hugged her while crying softly.

"W-Why....What did I do for her to hate me?" I asked hugging my best friend while crying.

"Why do you think she hates you? She might be rushing or something. Please don't think nonsense. If you want the truth, just confront her directly. I can ask Taylor to get Lauren to arrange a meet up for you both and settle everything. Just go and express how you feel for her and ask her things you want to know about the kidnapped case; why she want to hide things from everyone? Ask her whether does she feel the same as you because I can see every time when you talk to her she shuttered and look blur or daydreaming in her own world" Spenser said rubbing my back.

"I-I can't. What if she rejected me? What if she just hate me for causing so much trouble for her in the school with guys going to her and hit her? I just don't want anymore hatred from her, Spence... Just let me sunk here myself. Times will get through itself" I said crying harder hugging my best friend.

"No. Where is the Brianne I know who is not afraid of any challenges? The Brianne I know who is not a coward and dare to face anything including any relationships. You should confront her. I will be with you all the time. If she really rejects you then is her lost because you are a very pretty, marvelous and gorgeous girl I know. The bravest among any other girls at our age and some even older than you don't have the guts to do things you willing to do for friend and relationship" Spencer said holding on my arms looking straight at my watery hazel eyes while I sniffed.

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