Chapter 18

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*non proofread*

**Somewhere in Scotland**

Third Person POV

A young man wearing black cloak running into the mansion towards the head elder's room.

**knock knock**

"Come in" an old man with white beard wearing a black cloak said while reading and signing some papers.

"We have news that we found the one" a man with glasses said while running in holding a piece of telegram.

"Are you sure?" the old man asked with a surprised look while the man with glasses passed him the telegram. "Thank you moon goddess. We need to send some people to this location and bring the one back here so that we can protect and trained him/her. Please go and get me Damon" he said then the man in glasses nodded and walked out from the room.

The old man then walked over to a book shelves and pulled out a book and suddenly a hidden wall appeared behind the shelves. He then walked into the hidden room where the torch got lighted up once he walked in. The room were filled with shelves of books, artifacts, chest and bottle glasses. There were a few pictures hang on the side of the wall. The old man then walked near a picture and stood in front of it. He then turned the picture and another hidden wall appear.

The old man took a torch and walked into the dark room. Towards the end of the room there was a stone coffin in the middle of the room. He then walked towards it and put the torch near the side of it.

"We will soon reunited, my love" the old man said touching the stone coffin with some letters on it.

**after 20 minutes**

"You look for me?" a handsome muscular young man asked while walking into the room.

"Yes. We got news about the one. We need you to go to this location, look for our Allies and bring the child back here" the old man said while the guy took the piece of paper and put it inside his jacket.

"I will be back in a few days" the guy said then walked out from the room.

**Somewhere in England**

"Come on... Uhh... Uhh..You are so tight" the bald man said while he kept on thrusting hard into the lady in front.

"Faster...Fasterrrrr.... I-Ia-am coming.." the naked blonde lady moaned while the man thrusting even faster.

"You knock the door" a long haired guy whispered to a shorty.

"NO.. you knock the door. I don't want to get kill" the shorty whispered.

"He won't kill you if he knows what news we got" the long haired guy whispered.

Both guys were pushing against each other outside a room. **KNOCK**  The shorty got pushed and he accidentally knocked onto the door.

"ARGHH!!Who the fuck was that?" the bald man shouted from inside the room.

"Baby...Harderrr..I-I a-am coming.. Ahhhhhhh" the blonde lady moaned while trying to calm down from her climax.

"Yes.. Yes..F-fuck y-you...Ahhhhh" the bald man moaned releasing inside the lady.

"Boss....?" said a long haired guy standing outside a room.

Once the bald man calm down, he pulled himself out and wear back his pants. He then walked towards the door and opened it.

"What the hell! Are you guys deaf? Can't you hear that I am busy? Guards!!"the bald man shouted.

"No..No.. boss. We found them and their location" the shorty said while waving a piece of paper to his boss. The bald man then took the piece of paper away from the shorty.

**foot steps running**

"Boss, you summon us?" two guards looking at the bald man waiting for further instructions.

"Yes. Please get these two dumb ass out of my sight and get me my son" the bald man shouted.

"NOO..Pleassse boss forgive us... Nooooo" the two man shouted while being dragged away by the guards.

The bald man then slammed the door and walked towards the blonde lady. He then unzipped his pants and pulled out his junior.

"Now, come and give me a blowjob" the bald man demand and the blonde lady squad in front of her lover and do what he demanded.

**after an hour**

**knock knock**

"Come in" the bald man said while enjoying his cigar.

"You look for me?" the young man asked.

"Yes. I received information about Margaret and her child. It seems she is living near the school you are in" the bald man said while puffing out smoke.

"So, you want me to get her and her child or just her?" the young man asked while smirking at his father.

"You know me well, son. I want the woman and kill her child as she reminds me of your useless dead uncle" the bald man said.

"I will need a new car after this job" the young man demanded.

"What?!You just got a new bike... You just spend 100 grand on it!" the bald man shouted.

"Well, you know I need to impress girls around so that you can have grand children to play around" the young man said. "Compare to what you will get in return, what I get is just a small peanut" he smirked.

"Get them to me and we will discuss this again" the bald man said then his son nodded and walked out from the room.

**ring ring**

"What?" the bald man shouted.

"Is that how you greet your senior?" the man in the phone asked.

"Well, well. What brings you to call me?" the bald man asked.

"I have a job for you" the man in the phone informed.

"What makes you think that I am interested in the job" the bald man asked.

"You will get what you want in return; the seal to control all wolves in the kingdom" the man offered. "But, you must get me the person alive. The person must not get hurt and you need to get him/her before someone else finds him/her" the man said.

"Hmm.. Sounds like a good offer" the bald man said. "Who is this person and why does other people wants him/her?" he asked.

"None of your business. Just get me the child and I will give you what you want. I will send you the details shortly. Make sure the child is not hurt; not even a scratch else you will not going to see the coming full moon" the man said then dropped the call.

**ding ding**

The bald man unlocked his phone and click on the new messages he received and start downloading the picture.

"Baby, why are you sitting there" the blonde lady asked while sitting on the bald's man lap while rubbing on his junior.

"Well, some one wants some action" the bald man said and put his phone on the desk then he carried the blonde lady over to the bed and starts to kiss and lick her body.

Both of them started to have some hot sex on the bed, in the bathroom and on the desk. While both of them have some steamy actions, the phone got dropped onto the floor and was kicked under the desk when the bald man walked over and carried the blonde over to the sofa.

p/s: Please comment and vote if you like my story and sorry for all the spelling and grammar mistake .. :) xxx

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