Chapter 27

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**non proofread**

Third Person POV

"Bri, let's walk faster.. The movie is going to start soon. I don't want to miss the starting of the movie then we won't know what is the story about later" Taylor whined.

"Slow down girl. Wonder why are you here with us. Where is that girlfriend of yours?" Spencer asked while pull Brianne away from Taylor's hand.

"Both of you please don't fight, okay? I am trying to walk faster but..."**splashhhh**"I am sooo sorry" Brianne apologized when she accidentally bumped into some one causing her cup of Caramel Macchiato pour onto her dress.

"Is okay. No worries" the guy said then turned around and look at Brianne. "I guess you might need to change your dress than me; I just got some on my shirt and lucky is black" the guy said then laughed.

"Brianne, are you okay? Did you hurt yourself or anything?" Taylor asked while turning Brianne around.

"Stop it... You are going to make Bri going dizzy. Is all you fault if not rushing her to walk faster" Spencer scolded her sister while Taylor giving a pout face.

"Ahem...I knew a shop here and I can get you another dress for you to change unless you want to walk around with that coffee stain" the guy offered.

"Is okay. She can just go to the ladies and wash the stain off a bit then wear the cardigan I brought. Thank you for your offer" Taylor said then pulled Spencer and Brianne towards the washroom.

Once the three girls walked into the washroom, Taylor and Brianne walked over to the toilet basin and with some tissue towel, they slowly washed the stain from Brianne dress. Once done, Taylor gestured Brianne over to the wall mounted hand dryer and use it to blow the wet area dry. After 20 minutes, everything looks good with just some minor brown stain. Taylor then gave Brianne her cardigan to wear and three of them walked out from the washroom.

"Wow, it really took awhile for you ladies to do the cleanup. I guess you miss the movie opening" the guys said while smirking at Taylor.

"Well, we can watch again next time. Come on let's get going before we miss the whole movie" Taylor said.

"Why not I buy you ladies dinner for ruin your movie time; since I caused Brianne to bump into me?" the guy said while smiling at Brianne.

"No, is not your fault. I am just being clumsy and bumped into you. I am really sorry" Brianne said.

"Yes, we are sorry and I guess Brianne should buy you dinner instead" Spencer said while pushing Brianne closer to the guy.

"Sorry for being rude. Let me introduce myself. I am Matt, Matt Zeiring. Nice meeting you all" Matt said while holding out his hand to Brianne.

"Nice meeting you, Matt. I am Brianne and this is Spencer and Taylor" Brianne said while smiling at Matt.

"Bri, let's go home. I don't feel good and we not watching the movie anymore" Taylor whined then dragged Brianne around.

"Don't be ill manners" Spencer said. "Let's go home since you are not feeling well... You two just go ahead for dinner without us. Enjoy" Spencer said while smirking at Brianne while Taylor rolled her eyes knowing what her sister is trying to do.

"So, what you like to eat?" Matt asked while he and Brianne was walking side by side.

"Pizza maybe and some nachos" Brianne said while looking at Matt.

"Sure. I know a café here which sells delicious pizza and crunchy nachos" Matt said then gestured Brianne to walk following him.

After10 minutes walked, they reached a small café around the east wing of the mall. Matt then walked towards the captain and asked for a corner table for two person. The captain then took both of them towards the back of the café to be seated and left two menus on the table. Both of them sat facing each other.

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