Chapter 2

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*non proofread*


I slowly walked past the student locker where a bunch of guys from the football team were flirting with I assume was the school cheerleaders' team. I can hear some of them whispering and suddenly I heard a loud thud near the locker. I then turned around and saw a shorty was being held on by his jacket and was slammed into the locker.

"Why are you looking at my girl? Do you think that any girls here will like you, you piece of shit?!" a guy shouted at a shorty then slammed him onto the locker again making him groan in pain.

The shorty tried to free himself by wiggling his body but fail.

"I am asking you a question here you piece of shit!" he said and trying to punch the shorty.

Before the guy able to raise his hand and punch him, I swiftly moved over to him and held onto his wrist stopping him from punching the shorty. He tried to fight back but I am stronger and the bell rang then everyone rushed into the class when an old guy with glasses slowly walked over to the lockers. I slowly let go of the guy's wrist while the shorty was dropped onto the floor.

"What is going on here and why aren't you guys in your class?" Mr. Benner asked looking at me, the guy and the shorty.

"Is everything alright Mr. Bernard?" he asked looking at the shorty.

"Yes sir. I a-am fine" Joseph said while slowly stood up and pat his pants then quickly took his backpack and ran away.

"How about you? Do you want me to show you to your class Mr. Carter?" Mr. Benner asked looking fiercely at the guy.

"N-No Sir..I am going to my class now. Goodbye sir" Steven said then quickly ran towards the other side of the hallway.

"So, you must be the new student?" Mr. Benner asked and I nodded.

"Yes, Sir. I am Ash Lawson" I said then held my hand out for a shake.

"Welcome to St. Andrew High. I am the discipline teacher here and that is why everyone is afraid seeing me around. Come, let's bring you to the office and get your timetable" he said while smiling at me motioning me to follow him.

We walked up the stairs then straight and towards a large room where I assume are the teacher's office. He then knocked on 1 of the door.

"Come in". We then walked into the room.

"Good morning Mr. Benner and good morning Ash" a lady greeted both of us.

"G-good m-morning.. How y-?" before I managed to complete my question, she beat me to it.

"How I know who you are?" the lady asked and I nodded.

"Well, I am the principal here and also an old friend of your father and mother" the lady said making me more confused.

"So, you both are-" I asked and both of them nodded.

"How do you guys know I will be here?" I asked looking at both of them.

"Well, this is where your father wants you to be. This is where your mother and father met and fell in love" Mr. Benner said looking lovely at the lady.

"Yes and we are here to guide you and make sure that no one harms you. We knew what happened to your father and don't worry, Jeremy and I and some of our pack members will be monitoring this area and make sure you and your mother's safety will be our highest priority. By the way, you can call me Yvonne when we are outside the school compound. In here, you will call me Ms. Anderson" she said and I nodded.

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