Chapter 9

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*non proofread*

Brianne POV

"Bri... Bri.." Spencer called shaking my arm.

"W-What?" I asked looking at my best friend with a blur looked.

"Are you okay? You seem, floating after we left the hospital just now. Did anything happen before I walk in?" Spencer asked trying to hold her laughter.

"You know it yet you still ask me but is a good thing that you walked in just now else I am sure something will happen and I am not ready for that yet" I said while letting a huge sighed.

"Well, it seems she feels the same as you. I guess she has a crush on you and because of what Eason did and said to you that day in the class, she thought you and him are together" Spencer said while scrolling her phone.

"I guess so. I felt something is pulling me closer to her when I looked into her eyes. My heart beat very fast and I have not have such feeling before with anyone. I am afraid as well because I can't let her know I have feelings for her without knowing her properly, Spence" I said while letting another huge sighed.

"Well, we can hire someone to find out more about Ash; like where she stays, how many family members does she has, where she is actually from, why she move here and so on" Spencer said.

"Does it seem like we are stalking her? If she finds out, what am I going to tell her? She will be mad" I said.

"Don't worry. From my observation, she isn't that smart. So I guess she will not know that we are hiring someone to check on her. IF she really finds out, you can just tell her straight how you feel for her and just want to know her more. But I guess now, we need to settle this" Spencer said while showing me some post Eason posted in his Instagram.





easondaman how much I wish I am the person who holds ur heart

smalljd @easondaman well, just go n get ur gal man. Y wait?

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"Why can't he understand that we are just friends? Arrrggghh!" I shouted from the back seat of the car. Jefferson stopped the car then opens the small window connecting the back.

"Missy, is everything okay?" Jefferson asked looking at the rear mirror.

"I-I am okay. Just a bit frustrated. Just don't mind me and keep on driving. Thanks" I said then Jefferson nodded then closed the window and continues driving.

"Don't worry. I will get Benjamin to talk to him" Spencer said then patted on my lap. "We should act fast so you can go and express your feelings fast to Ash before things get messy with your admirers" she said while chuckling which make me slapped her arm and she glared at me.

We reached the school compound around 20 minutes later. Spencer and I walked into the school towards the Principal's office to meet up with Ms. Anderson. We had some meetings and proposal on the upcoming cheer we are planning to do on the upcoming basketball tournament at the end of the month. Spencer and I then go home after 2 hours of meeting with my team and the Principal.

Jefferson picked us up and then dropped Spencer at her house before driving me home. Mum and Dad will be home later because they had to attend some Gala organized from the Mayor's office. Once I am home, I walked into the kitchen to find something to eat because I am starving as I just had a tuna sandwich before I went to the hospital and I didn't eat anything when I went back to school just now.

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