Chapter 29

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**non proofread**

Brianne POV

 "Just one time, please. Just go on a date with me for once?" Peter begged while following be walking out from the surgery room.

"Peter, how many times have I told you that I am not into any relationship now as I want to concentrate on my work and projects. If you still want me to be your friend, please try to understand" I said while pushing the door open, tear off the surgery rope and threw them into the dustbin together with the surgery gloves.

I then walked towards my room and slumped onto my office high chair feeling tired, frustrated and bit of a headache. I then opened the first drawer on the left side and took out a strip of headache medicine and swallowed it with a glass of water. My head has been giving me pain on and off for the past two days. This ticking my mood to go off and bad; making me easily get angry and frustrated.

**knock knock**

"Come in" I said while rubbing the temples of my head trying to ease the pain.

"Are you ready?" Dominic asked while popping in his head through the door of my room.

"I am sorry Dom. I don't feel good today. Can you please tell the others that I am not joining you guys for your birthday lunch? I am sorry" I apologized to Dominic while rubbing my temples.

"What's wrong? Have you taken any medicine? Do you need something to eat; some bread or biscuit? I can go and get you something?" Dominic asked while slowly walking over to me while I stopped him halfway.

"Please don't. Just stop. I just want to be alone for now and I have some biscuit inside my drawer. I will ask Michelle to get me some bread from the cafeteria. You guys please continue your lunch without me" I said making Dominic face drop after hearing what I had just said.

"O-Okay. Sorry for disturbing you. Hope you get better later. Please remember to eat something" Dominic said then walked out from my room.

"Dom.. before I forget, this is for you. Happy Birthday" I said while giving him a small box wrapped with a red ribbon and a birthday card on top with 4 words; Happy Birthday Little Brother.

"T-Thank you, Brianne" Dominic said while took the present from me and finally walking out from my room.

I felt sorry for him from how I treated him awhile ago because I knew he had a crush on me and I guess what I did can give him a signal that I am not interested in anything with him although we are being closed sometimes. I just treat him as a good little brother. I admitted that he was a funny guy and took cares of me but my heart didn't feel anything towards him.

**knock knock**

"Come in" I said while looking out the window below at the busy afternoon traffic.

"The bread you asked me to get for you. I also got you some sweets to ease your headache" Michelle said while walking over to my table and put those things on my table while I turned around and thanked her. "Another 2 victims today?" she said while shaking her head.

"I know is not right but what you want me to do? I can't force myself to go on a date with them or be lovey dovey with someone I don't have any feelings with. Is not that I want to make them feel sad but I can't control what my heart wants especially the past few days as my headache is making me go crazy" I complained rubbing my temples.

"Have you taken any medicine?" Michelle asked while sitting on the chair in front while I nodded. "I guess you should call it a day then go home and get some rest since there isn't any surgery or meeting scheduled for you after lunch," she said while I nodded in agreement.

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