Chapter 28

38 1 7

**non proofread**

**Two years later**

Third Person POV

"Little pup, are you sure you want to attend the school reunion?" Margaret asked Ash while preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

"Mama, we talked about this before right?" Ash replied then put her backpack on the kitchen chair and walked over to the fridge to get a bottle of milk.

"I know we had talked about this many times but things are different now... You know.." Margaret said while looking sad.

"Mama...... please. Not that topic anymore." Ash snapped before her mama can finished her sentence.

"Okay. I am sorry for being pushy. I just trying to protect my little pup" Margaret said then pour the sausages onto Ash's plates. "Now, faster eat so you won't be late to your first day of work" she said.

Ash then sat down onto the dining chair and started to eat the breakfast her mama made for her. Margaret then put down the pan into the basin and wipe her hands while walking over to the dining table to accompany her little pup for breakfast.

It has been two years since things happened and many things is no long the same as before; some were still together, some broken, some move to another state while some were not in a happy ending and some were getting married soon.

After the incident, the wolves kingdom are slowly restored by the help of Damon, Maxim and Akino's family together with Ash. Some of the wolves elder whom were just assisting Sir Hudson unwillingly because they were all afraid of being killed or to protect their own families from getting hurt IF they disobeyed him.

Due to the injury from the silver liquid, Ash was in coma for 2 months and with the help of the white witch, elf and moon goddess, she managed to wake up from the coma with some defects caused by the silver liquid; her left eye had some minor defect which causes her not able to view properly under the sunlight. Due to this, Ash has been very hostile towards everyone except her mama. She had changed from being a sociable person to an introvert and kept everything to herself since THAT thing happened.

Ash managed to graduate high school by having home-schooled then moved to another state and joined the police academy later on. Ash graduated as a police inspector and today will be her first day at work; in the Liverpool Police Headquarter.

"Ash, faster you slowpoke else you will really be late for your first day. You need to give good impression to your co-workers and also your boss" Margaret mumbled when she enter the car and started the engine.

"We still have time mama and I am not a slowpoke" Ash said while closing the car door and fasten her seat belt while Margaret drove the car towards the Police Station.

After 45 minutes drive, they finally reach the police station. Margaret gave her littler pup a kiss on the forehead then Ash walked out from the car then waved her mama goodbye.

"I hope today will be a great start of a day!" Ash said then walked into the station.

Before Ash managed to reach the stairs, someone bumped into her from behind causing something to splash onto her backpack and also that person's jacket.

"Come on, don't block the way!" a familiar voice of someone scolded.

"Lauren?" Ash asked before turning behind to look at the person who bumped into her.

"Ash?... Oh my god! Is you. Is been a long time, man" Lauren said while hugging Ash. "What are you doing here man?" she asked while trying to wipe off the coffee stain from her jacket while walking up the stairs with Ash.

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