Chapter 14

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*non proofread*

Jefferson POV

"If as what Missy says that Ash is the person who safe her, why don't she just review herself and tell her straight away when she has the chance today?" I asked while talking on the phone walking up and down my room.

"Maybe she has something to hide or some secret? We should wait until we gather more of Ash's details. Don't think so much dear, get some rest and we will let you know once we found any details of Ash" the lady on the phone said.

"Okay. Goodnight sweetheart. Take care and stay safe okay. Gonna meet you soon. Love you" I said then gave a kissed to my girlfriend.

"Okay baby. Goodnight" ** Muaks** the lady said then ended the call.


After Brianne and Spencer went into the car and drove away, I quickly ran into the house up to my room and get my backpack. I then ran down to the back and took my bicycle out. I closed and make sure the door was properly locked before I ride away towards the arena.

Today is my first time to participate in an arena fight where I am paired with some dude almost same age as me. I have been traveling on and off to the arena for some time to practice and finally got the chance to fight on stage. I reached the arena in 30 minutes. I then parked my bicycle near the side of the building and locked it. I used the access card given by coach and walked into the building towards the meeting room.

"Here she is. Our first underage fighter" Sonny said while giving me a hugged. "Here, the mask you have requested" he said then passed me the mask I requested as I don't want anyone to recognize me here.

"Hey. Sorry I was a bit late as two of my classmates came to visit me" I said then quickly took my bag and went into the changing room to change.

I walked out with my mask on, a sports bra and a tight knee black pants.

"Are they the same girls that came over to the hospital to visit you?" Sonny asked while helping me to wrap my hand and hang the boxing gloves on my neck while walking together with me towards the upper floor boxing ring.

"Yes and how you know?" I asked while walking up to the ring and prepare myself.

"Because you are never late unless your crush is there" Sonny smirked then help me putting the boxing gloves in and my mouth guard. "Today's opponent is also a new comer, almost same age as you. Just see how much he has and just settle him fast. Don't drag long, understood?" he said while I nodded.

**ding ding ding**

"Welcome everyone to tonight's fighting match. We have two new comer today and 1 of them is a girl" the umpire said while gesturing me to stand on his left while the guy stand on his right. "The one on my left is Archie the little pup while on my right is Bomba the big bear" he introduced while all the audience clapped their hands while some blowing whistle and shouting Bomba's name.

"The rule is simple. The first one who knocked the opponent out within 30minutes, win" said the umpire. "Ready, set, fight" he announced then the guy slowly starts to jump around.

I was just slowly monitoring his movement and his jumping pace. Then he suddenly dashed over and throw a punched at me. Luckily he is not that fast and I managed to dodge it and bend my knees then throw a punched at his stomach. This makes him walked backwards.

I quickly start throwing punches at him when I saw the opportunity opened when his stance is not stable. I punched him on the left and right on the ribs when he thought I am going to punch his head. Then when he tried to defend his side, I quickly throw a fast punched on his head and this makes him fall down onto the floor knocking his head.

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