Chapter 22

40 4 1

**non proofread**

**somewhere in England*

Third Person POV

**knock knock**

"Boss, can we come in?" a bald guy asked.

"Come in" the old man said.

"We managed to catch the girl and young master is torturing her at the abandon farm house few miles from out pack area" the baldy said.

"Good. Now, I think is time for me to get my revenge and my lover back" the old man said. "Where is my phone? Darling... did you see my phone?" he asked.

"I think is on your table or maybe underneath it. Try bend down and look for it baby" a lady answered then walked out from the bathroom just in her birthday suit.

Both of the guy jaw dropped while eyes popped out gawking at the lady.


"Ouch!" the baldy screamed in pain rubbing his head.

"Get out NOW!" the old man ordered then the baldy quickly ran out shutting the room's door.

"Darling...Can you please at least wrap a towel around you when you walk out from the bathroom and not just like that?" the old man pointed at the lady.

"Well, I am only yours including my body. Other people can only see but they can't touch nor do anything to me" the lady replied while wearing her pair of lace panty and bra.

The old man walked over to his working table and hunt for his phone.

**ring ring**

The old man managed to find his phone underneath the table. He then unlocked his phone to answer the call.

"Fools! How can you let some one rescue her away within your pack area?? Where the hell is young master? Get him here now!" the old man shouted.

**time skipped 1 hour later**

**knock knock**

"Come in" the old man said.

A few man brought the young master back together with them walked into the boss's room.

"What happen to him? What happen to my son?!" the old man shouted.

"W-We f-found h-him standing alone in t-the middle of the basement where we kept the girl" the baldy replied.

The old man then walked towards his son and shakes him holding his arm but his son just stared at him blankly.

"Go and get me the witch!" the old man shouted and the baldy quickly ran out from the room to find the witch.

5minutes later a portal appeared in the middle of the room where the old man and his son were.

"You look for me alpha?" a lady in black rope asked.

"Someone cast something onto my son. Please cure him" the old man demanded.

The lady then walked slowly towards the young master. She took a look at him then cast some spell. Within seconds, the guy fainted and dropped onto the floor. The old man walked into the attached bathroom and took out a pail of cold water then pour onto his son.

"What the fuck!" the guy woke up screaming from the cold water.

"What happen and where is the girl?" the old man asked.

"I-I w-went to kidnap the mother at night and when I nearly got her, some guy pop up and took me down. What actually happen after that I have no idea" the guy said.

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