Chapter 7

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*non proofread*

Brianne POV


My hand slowly reached for my phone on the night stand and turn the alarm off then look up and peek on the table clock. "Is already 5am" I whispered to myself. I slowly opened my eyes then pushed myself up from the bed and sat on the side of the bed. I search for my house slippers then stood up, stripped off my cloths and walked into the attached bathroom. After 10 minutes of shower and refreshing myself, I walked out from the bathroom wrapped with my towel then slowly walked into the closet to get my sports bra and panties, a short sleeves hoodie and black long tights as I am going for my morning jog around the estate.

Once I am fully clothed, I grabbed my phone, my Bluetooth earbuds, a small face towel, my waist pouch with some monies and my identity card. I walked down to the kitchen to get a bottle of water then slide onto the pocket on the waist pouch. When I walked over to the shoe rack to get my socks and running shoe, someone called me.

"Good morning Missy. What do you want for your breakfast later?" Jefferson asked.

"Can I have some strawberry pancakes and my favorite Cappuccino?" I asked after slipping my foot into the running shoes.

"Sure Missy. Did you carry the GPS detector with you for security purpose?" Jefferson asked.

"Yes. I am carrying it every day. Don't worry, okay. I got to go before I am late" I said then waved Jefferson bye and ran towards the main gate and out from the house.

I stood in front of the gate and started my playlist. Once the music starts, I starts to run on the pavement towards the park nearby and around the estate. It takes only 1 hour for me to finish the run and back home. I love the smell of fresh air and the cold breeze touching my face. Even though is 5.30 in the morning, you will see some old folks already in the park walking around swigging their hands and some even having some Tai Chi exercise.

There is a small lake in the middle of the park where a few mandarin ducks and birds swimming around. Since is still dark, they were all still sleeping at the corner near the grass where a small hut was built by 1 of the old man living opposite the park. There is a big oak tree where I usually sit under when I want some peace of mind relaxing myself while doing some reading. Not far from the tree, there is a sand pit and a small playground which normally packed with children during 9-10 in the morning and 4-6 in the evening.

After running for 45 minutes, I stopped near the oak tree. I heard some movement sound above and when I looked up, there was something seems to be a bird nest on the 3rd branch of the tree. Suddenly I saw a beautiful white owl fly near and stood beside the nest so I guess the nest belongs to her. When I wanted to take a picture of it, someone tapped on my shoulder and startling me. I used both my hands to cover my mouth for not making any noise when I noticed who it is.

"Shhhh... Is best don't take the phone out because it will scare the mama owl away . She is trying to hatch her eggs" an old lady said standing beside me looking the same directions as me.

"Madeline, you just gave me a shock of life. You can't simply tap on anyone's shoulder especially at this hour of time" I whispered to Madeline whom I get to know few years back when I started to run and noticed her sitting alone at the same bench nearby the oak tree.

She doesn't have any friends or relatives because she was a very cranky and stubborn old lady. She pushed all her friends away when her lover passed away 4 years ago from heart attack. She was the person who make me realized that I want to be a cardiologist and not a neurosurgeon like my dad. She pushed me away too at the beginning when I tried to talk to her but I guess I am more stubborn than her and annoyed her so we are close friend now.

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