Chapter 13

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**non proofread**

**Two days later**

Third Person POV

Jefferson's friend manage to get some CCTV footage near the park and also near the parking lot. They managed to see clearly on the attacker's face including Eason but was not able to see the rescuer's face because he suddenly pop out of no where. Police report was made when Brianne told her parents about the incident together with the CCTV footage.

Police managed to catch the three culprit smoking weed at Eason's home. Eason and his friends were in shocked when the police barged into his house while showing him the warrant of their arrest. He thought they managed to get through everything because Brianne was out from school for two days and since he had blackmail Brianne a day ago with a text messages to warn her not to go to the police else he and his friends will be meeting her friends next time.

Never did they knew that Brianne had a wonderful butler whom know lots of friends and connections around including Brianne. She thought she is lucky that some one went through the CCTV footage of the park searching for missing kid yet is just some reason Jefferson told Brianne in order to show her and her parents the footage.

Brianne POV

"Is so nice to be back to school" I said while sniffing the wonderful smell of natures then suddenly got bumped by someone.

"What are you doing?" Spencer said while standing next to her bestfriend.

"Looking around and sniffing the fresh air" I said while walking away from Spencer while she was typically running after me.

"W-Wait...Really?" Spencer asked when she stopped in front of me.

"Yes...What else you think I am doing then?" I asked then continue to walk into the school hallway with Spencer tailing behind me. "Where is Taylor?" I asked when I stopped at the locker.

"She went over to Lauren's house yesterday night so I guess she will becoming to school with her" Spencer said while getting some books from her locker.

Suddenly someone hugged Spencer from behind which make Spencer screamed.

"Dumb head. You startled me" Spencer scolded Benjamin while slapping on his arm.

"Babe...S-Stop please. Is painful" Benjamin said while rubbing his arm where his girlfriend had just slapped.

"Morning Benjamin" I greeted Benjamin then both Spencer and him stopped then look at me.

"Morning Bri... How are you? I heard about the news and I am sorry" Benjamin apologized while holding on Spencer's hand.

"I am good and please don't apologize for something you didn't do" I said then locked my locker. "So, can we go to our class now Ms. Anderson?" I asked looking at my watch and Spencer.

"See you later during break time" Spencer said then kissed Benjamin on his cheek and walked over to me. "Let's go to class, shall we?" she asked and I nodded.

Both of use walked into our 1st class which is Literature. We walked into the class and walked over to our seat. I looked over to where Ash's place is but she is still not attending class. Most of the group already passed up their project for review while we are still waiting for some final write up from Ash and Angella. Angella was admitted to hospital due to a minor road accident last week and she will be discharged these few days.

As for Ash, I haven't really texted her or talked to her since my last visit to the hospital with Spencer 1 week ago. As Mr. Leonardo wanted us to submit final write up this week, I guess I will need to pay a visit to Ash's house to get the report from her.

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