Chapter 12

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**non proofread**

Jefferson POV

I am in the kitchen doing some cleaning and preparing something for breakfast as usual while suddenly someone rang the door bell. I checked on the wall clock; 6.30am.

"Missy has the house key. Why would she ring the bell?" I whispered to myself then slowly walked out from the kitchen and look at the CCTV at the front gate.

To my surprised, I saw someone dropped Brianne near the gate once her ang the bell. I quickly drop the towel on my hand and ran out from the house towards the main gate. Once the gate is opened, the guy was nowhere to be found while Brianne was lying there motionless. I quickly carried her bridal style back into the house while locked the auto gate.

I took Brianne up to her bedroom then walked into her bathroom to get a wet towel and some aroma therapy oil which she hates to wake her up and clean her face. Once I finished cleaning her face, arm and legs, I opened the aroma therapy oil and put it near her nose. Within seconds, her eyes shoot opened then she jumped up and screamed her lungs out.

"Shhh...Missy, is me. You are home and safe" I hold onto her arms and make her to face me.

"Jeffy...."she cried hugging me tight.

"What happen and who is that fella who brought you back?" I asked while rubbing her back.

"Who?" she pushed me further behind and asked me.

"I saw someone drop you off at the front gate then ring the bell. By the time I reach, he is gone. What happen?" I asked again.

"Eee-ason...Is Eason and some guys. They follow me to the pond area near the park and then surrounded me. They then drag me to the big oak tree where Eason plans to rape me. I am so scare and can't bring myself to shout at that moment but luckily someone heard my soft scream and came to the rescue. I am not sure who is he but he did beat Eason and his friends in the ass. When Eason tried to drag me into his car and suddenly someone kicked him. He dropped me on the ground from the kick and I was blackout until now" she said while crying.

"Eason? Benjamin's best friend? The guy who is courting you and being nice to you? I thought he is a good and shy guy. Why he wants to do something like that? I will make sure the police chief hear about this and action is taken" I said while Missy is still sobbing. "You should go and take a bath, changed and have some rest. I will call and inform your school Principal that you will be absent for few days and will make a police report about this" I said while Brianne nodded.

I then stood up and walked out from her room then down to my room. I took out my mobile phone and texted some old friend of mine and ask him to do some checking and info searching for me. I need more proof in order to make a police report if I want to bring him in. Once the message was sent, I put my phone back inside my drawer then I walked out to the kitchen and continue what I was doing a while ago; making breakfast for Missy and her favorite coffee.

**after2 hours**

Brianne POV

"Please no, please Eason don't please no" I begged. "Hahahah.. shout as loud as you can my lovely Brianne but no one is here to help you. I will have you to play with and once I am done, the other guys can play with you later" he said while walking closer to me and slowly stripped my cloths....

"NOOOOOOOOO!"I shoot opened my eyes then trying to see where am I. I let go a signed of relieve when I saw the dream catcher hanging near the window which tells me that I am inside my own room.

**knock knock**

"Missy...Is everything okay?" Jefferson asked knocking on my room door.

"Yes...I just had a bad nightmare. I am okay now" I said trying to wipe away the sweat dripping down my forehead.

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