Chapter 17

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*non proofread*

Third Person POV

Ash was sweating heavily on her bed. She was tossing left and right while kicking her blanket onto the floor. She was starting to hyperventilate and clenched onto her left chest then started screaming. Margaret jumped out from her bed and rushed over to Ash's room when she heard Ash screaming.

When she opened Ash's room door, Ash eyes was closed but was clutching her left side of her chest and screaming for a person's name; Brianne. Margaret quickly walked near her daughter trying to calm her down. When she touched her daughter's arm, Ash swiftly threw a punched over to her and lucky it missed her.

Margaret then tried to hold onto Ash's arm and shakes her to wake her up. After 2 minutes, Ash's opened her eyes and was trying to search around the room then finally saw her mama holding onto her arm.

"W-what is happening to me, mama?" Ash asked then cried hugging to her mama.

"I am not sure. You are screaming then shouting for one person's name when I came into your room awhile ago" Margaret said while rubbing on Ash's back to calm her down.

"Who?" Ash asked looking at her mama.

"Brianne...Is she someone you like, little pup?" Margaret asked while smiling at Ash.

"I don't know mama. When I am near hear, my heart will starts to beatfast then I will start to stutter when I talk. When I see her with someone else, I get angry very fast and just want to disappear immediately" Ash explained to her mama.

"Well, I guess my little pup has some crush on this girl named Brianne. Why don't you express things to her rather than don't know what to do or hiding away from her?" Margaret suggested.

"I am afraid mama. What if she don't feel the same? I will be more ashamed of myself then" Ash said looking down at her hands.

"Where is that stubborn and strong headed little pup of mine? I thought your father taught you well enough that the Lawson don't hide and will face anything coming their way. You have forgotten about that?" Margaret asked.

"I didn't. What papa taught and told me will always be in my mind and my heart. I will find a way to talk to her one day" Ash said with confident.

"Good. Now, let's go back to sleep okay? Do you want me to sleep with you?" Margaret asked teasing Ash shake her head.

"Mama, I am grown up girl now" Ash said.

"Ooo, now you are a grown up girl... but awhile ago you are just a small little girl who afraid to get rejected" Margaret teased her daughter again where Ash showed her pout face.

Margaret laughed then kissed Ash on her forehead. She slowly walked out of Ash's room then closed the door and walked back into her room. She then walked near her bed and took the photo frame from the side table; is as photo of her late husband and her together with Ash on her first birthday.

"I think is time we need to look for our old buddies, papa" Margaret said looking at the photo rubbing on the face of her husband.

She then put the photo frame back to the side table, switch off the table lamp then goes back to sleep.


I was woken up by the small light beamed through the window blinds directed to my eyes. I groaned then slowly rolled over to the side of the bed then pushed myself up. I then took a look at the table clock; is 6.45am. I then took my towel and walked to the bathroom to shower and refresh myself for school.

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