Chapter 21

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*non proofread*

Margaret POV

**ring ring**

"Hello.. Do you have any news about Ash. Is been 2 days?" I asked the person on the other line.

"Not yet but we are trying and the Elder had sent the protector here to get Ash. We told him that Ash was missing and he went out to search for her as well. You know Damon and he will get Ash back very soon" the lady on the other line said.

"I just hope Ash is okay. I don't want anything happen to her" I said while sniffing.

"Don't worry so much Margaret. We will update you if we have any news about Ash. Meanwhile, please be careful and take care. The abductor might also look for you if their motives is to catch both of you. I will have some people guard around your house and follow you to work. Please take care, okay" the lady said.

"I will and thank you Yvonne" I said then ended the call.

I then walked to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water to drink.

**ding dong**

I walked towards the living hall then near the door and peeked through the peeping hole; it was Brianne and her friend Spencer. I then unlocked my door and opened it.

"Hi Aunty Margaret. Sorry to appear here out of sudden. Ash hasn't contact me since 2 days ago. Is she okay?" Brianne asked while Spencer clasped onto Brianne's hand.

"Come in please. Is not safe to be outside at this hour" I offered then opened the door wider for the girls to walk into the house.

I asked them to take a seat at the couch while I sat opposite Brianne.

"Ash went to visit her favorite uncle who only have few days to live. She left very urgent that is why she didn't manage to inform you. I need to work so she went back alone. She will be back in a couple of days" I said while both the girls nodded.

"If that is the case, I guess we should be going and is not nice to disturb you at this hour. Thank you for informing us" Spencer said then she signaled Brianne to stand up and walk together to the door with her.

"Can you please get Ash to call or text me when she calls you, aunty Margaret?" Brianne asked while I nodded.

"Sure Brianne. I will definitely going to scold Ash why hasn't she texted me either" I told the girls.

I unlocked the door and opened it for the girls to walk out. I followed them at the back and make sure they got into their car safely and drove away. I then walked back into my house when suddenly someone ambushed me from behind trying to cover my head using a small canvas bag. Is a good thing of being a werewolf because we have a very good hearing and smelling sense. I managed to dodge the attacker and kicked him/her on the stomach.

Not far away someone came running across the street and assist me in the fight. He then swiftly kicked and knocked the attacker out within seconds. When he turned to face me, I was surprised to know who is he.

"Is been years since our first met, Luna Margaret" Damon greeted.

"Is good to see that you are still as skillful as always and I am not the Luna anymore for your information" I said while gesturing him to walk into my house while carrying the person who tried to attack me earlier.

I walked into the storeroom to get some rope and passed it to Damon so he can tie the attacker onto the dining chair. Since Damon's blow was quite strong, the attacker went blackout immediately. So we have to use some water to splash onto him/her in order to wake him/her up.

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