Now or never. Chapter 16

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I need a plan to escape. Keir is older than me, stronger than me and although I hate to admit it, a better fighter than me. Therefore, my usual fall back of brute force will unlikely be the key to my freedom. I will need to out wit him.

Pacing around the room, I mentally ran through many ideas and strategies, each more unrealistic than the last. Walking past the door, I caught sight of my reflection. Looking past the paler skin and red ringed eyes, I saw how I really look. Wild.

Looked down at myself, I compared the dirty torn clothes I was wearing to the pile of delicate silk dresses Keir had brought me. A idea forming in my mind, I pulled off what remained of my clothes and replaced them with a green sweater dress, seeing as it was the sturdiest thing amongst the silk and lace.

I hated it. It is a sign of being weak and useless, something I want Keir to believe I am. If Keir thought I have succumbed to the hunger and finally submitted to him, he may deem me as a non treat and let his guard down. From my interactions with Keir, I can tell he is cocky and self assured. Luring him into a false sense of security around me, will be my best bet of getting the upper hand against him in a fight.

Sorting through the rest of the dresses, I found a cream wool look Trench coat. Doning it hardly made me feel like a badass warrior, but I did feel more competent. Sufficiently dressed for action, I returned to the living room and started that pacing that tended to help me think better-not that I had any reason to believe I was going to come up with any better ideas. I'd been trying to for days and days with no luck. Nothing was going to change.

"Damn it!" I yelled, feeling better with the outburst. Angry, I flounced into the arm chair, amazed that I hadn't simply thrown myself and it against the wall in my frustration.

Two sets of footsteps were approaching the door, and I looked up with alarm. Quickly, I scrambled into a dark corner as panic raced through me. No, no. I wasn't ready. I hadn't fully convinced myself that I could best him. Yet.

Don't hesitate, Dimitri had always said. It's now or never.

The door suddenly clicked open and Keir strutted in, followed closely by a woman. The door closing securely behind them.

Standing 5' 10" tall, this previously Dhampir women has paler than pale skin and had a thuggish feel about her. I felt a twinge of anxiety, she is going to put up more of a fight than the male before her.

My eyes swept across her body, collecting all the information I can from her. A particularly notable feature is her chipped front tooth, and she still had the imprint of a large bite mark on her neck. She must of only just woken from being awakened.

Looking at her narrow face, I noted a large nose, and large lips. Her red ringed brown eyes are close set and she has thick eyebrows. She is bald, but probably by choice. They was a sort of 5 o'clock shadow of dark brown hair covering her scalp.

Shes wearing complimentary eyeshadow, excessive foundation and metallic lipstick and a matching labret ball lip piercing.

As she crossed her arms, I eyed her short but muscled arms, a lean torso, a typical waist, short legs, and abnormally large feet.

I strode over to Keir as he noticed my new attire. It wasn't hard to give him a look of expectation and hunger. The closer I got to them, the better the women smelt. A small moan of want escaped my lips, causing Keir to smirk. I openly looked at Keir and licked my lips -I hadn't fed in a while -but the adrenaline running through me had shoved any appetite I might have to the background. I glanced back up at the woman, smiling with a false sweetness. She shot me daggers in return.

"Ah little one." Keir grinned coldly at me. "I bring you a gift."

I stayed silent, waiting and preparing myself for him to kill the woman. But he didn't move how I anticipated. Instead he laughed and reached out to stroke my face. I forced myself not to recoil from his touch, to allow his fingers to trace my cheek.

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