Our Tree. Chapter 19

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Rose POV

Two and a half months later. (Early March.)

As another gust of wind battered against me, I wrapped my arms around myself and hugged my coat closer to my body. I realised that my actions where more from habit than the need to feel warm. Despite the thick snow that fell this morning, I didn't feel cold. I never felt cold anymore, just content. I scooped up some snow from the branch of the tree I was leaning against and was a little disappointed that I my fingers didn't sting from the chill.

Dropping the snow from my hands, I checked my watch again. 5:59pm, any minute now. Right on que, a sudden movement to my right caught my attention. I stepped backwards a little, ensuring my presence was concealed within the tree line.

On the otherside of a chain link fence and the magical protective wards, a six foot seven man with almost shoulder length dark brown hair was walking towards the door of the novice gym. The place where I used to meet him very morning.

He stretched his arms and legs making me smile, I've always enjoyed watching him flex his beautifully toned muscles. He was going to go for a run, just liked what we used to do before our workout. He turned to face me while securing his hair into a ponytail. My heart stopped. If I took a few steps forward, he would see me. No matter how much my heart pleaded my feet didn't move a inch, my brain wouldn't allow them. Dimitri still believed that I was a Strigoi, a evil monster. Suddenly appearing before him wouldn't be the best idea.

So, when he set off jogging around the path that's trails the wards, I followed him being careful to keep to the shadows. I watched his determined face as he run across the clear path as I basically had to hurdle snow banks and slide under tree branches. But I kept to his pace.

Halfway across campus, Dimitri slowed his jog to a gentle walk. Finally stopping next to a huge tree, Drimiti brushed snow from his hair and parched on a large aerial root.

The last time I had visited this tree it had been with Dimitri. He had given me one of his wise lessons about the importance of  being able to make a weapon with limited resources. He challenged me to make a weapon within five minutes, using only the objects I had on me and what I could find around the tree.

Unbeknownst to him, Fire boy had been droning on to Lissa about the best wood to start a fire the night before at dinner. So I decided to take a leave out of his book. In my pocket, I happened to have a lighter. So, I spent my time checking out all of the aerial roots.

"Times up Rose. Let me see what you have managed to produce."

Failing to completely suppress my cocky smirk, I held out my palm with the lighter proudly sitting upon it.

He raised an single eyebrow, something I found ridiculous sexy, and silently waited for my rationale.

"A tree root fire can be deadly and devastating. All it takes is for some embers to spark a root below the ground, allowing a fire to travel along with a root system and emerge above ground in a new location and producing a strong fire." I explained, putting on my best snotty Moroi voice. "While fire is unpredictable, it is a useful tool in defeating Strigoi. As a last resort, I could set light to these tree root, making it hard for the Strigoi to follow our path."

"And setting the whole forest alight." He challenged.

"Hence being the last resort."

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