The Battle Of ST. Vlads. Chapter 26

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Rose POV

I ran. I didn't look back. I didn't ask what Keir was going to do because I already knew. He would follow me.

I also know what Dimitri was going to do. He was going to stop as many Strigoi as he could so that whoever he was protecting could get to safety. And a moment later, I heard grunts and hits that told me he'd was already fighting. For only a heartbeat, I let myself imagine him failing. If he died, I was certain I wouldn't stop until I killed every Strigoi here tonight. But then I let it go. I couldn't just think about one person, my person, not when hundreds of lives were depending on me, when Strigoi raiding my school. I used to think that's was impossible. I used to think many things were impossible.

My feet hit the ground hard, as a emergency claxon echoed through the trees. Good, all the Guardians will know now. I pushed through some large hedges and suddenly I could hear voices and shouting.

Two Strigoi were on us. They both moved in on me, knowing I'd be an easier target if they combined their strength, and then they could go after Keir. Together they slammed me into a tree. My vision blurred for half a second, but I recovered as fast as a strigoi. I shoved back and had the satisfaction of seeing that they staggered back a few paces. They looked like they were about to attack me again but seemed to have a second thought when Keir joined my side.

One women and one man, both previously Moroi. Both were taller than me, but the woman was closer to my height.

"Switch." Keir whispered into my ear and then rushed at the women.

I feinted towards the man, and then struck out as fast as I could toward the women the exact second Keir went for the man. My fang bit into her neck. It surprised both of us how easily I killed her.

"Rose!" Keir called.

I turned to see him wrap his arms around the Striogi's neck, ran part way up a tree before flipping over and landing on the ground. His actions forced the Striogi to almost fully bend over backwards and to let out a bloody scream. Before he was able to comprehend what happened, I swooped down and drained him until he fell lifeless to the ground.

We barely had a moment to catch our breath when three more Striogi burst through the trees. They must of been drawn by the man strigoi's scream. Keir and I brought the three of them down as fast as we did the first two. The second the last drop dead to the floor and headed thought the trees to where I had heard Dimitri's voice. Seeing that none to the deceased strigoi had been previously Dhampir, Keir was hot on my heels.

I broke through into a clearing in the trees and caught my breath when I realised it was littered with bodies. Scanning the forms before me, I let out a breath. Dimitri wasn't among them. Three strigoi bodies and one Guardian. Guardian Yuki, a teacher who taught the Junior Novices.

Keir knelt down next to Yuki and with a bowed head he closed his unfocused eyes.

"We will still need more weapons." Keir said as he pulled Yuki's stake from his hand.

"We do." I reply. "I can't keep draining every Strigoi we encounter. I'm so full I feel kinda slushy."

"What's the next step now.."

"Now Dimitri isn't here?" I finished for him. I swallowed the fear I held for him and cleared my mind. What we need is an idea what is happening on campus. Knowing I can't summon Christian with so many Striogi close by, I closed my eyes and searched my mind to find the old link to another available source on Campus.

Lissa was with a group of other Moroi on an upper floor of her dorm. The lockdown procedures were simple in each dorm building all the students hold up in the common room at the top. Undoubtedly, all the dorms will be the same across campus. There was a bit of tension in Lissa's group, probably due to the fact that they are all Royal Moroi. If a strigoi were to find them there, well it would be like finding the holy grail. Seeing though Lissa's eyes, I was surprised to see a few of my Novice class mates mingled in with Royals.

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