Before Dawn. Chapter 10 part 2.

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Hi guys!

Here is a little bonus chapter in Dimitri' POV. I was going to delete it as this story is going to be in Rose's POV only.

But after your lovely comments on the last chapter I changed my mind in deleting it. I hope you enjoy it!
Keep votes and commenting, I love reading them all ❤️

Love Em XX

Dimitri POV

"Comrade." Roza whispered.

Those were her last words.

Her failed attempt to dodge the stake had made her lose her balance on the edge. The stake's magic made the rest easy, stunning her and her reflexes.

Roza fell.

She nearly took me with her, and I just barely managed to break free of her and cling to a branch hanging over the drop. She dropped down into the darkness below until she disappeared from sight.

I stared down after her, wondering if I would see her in the darkness if I squinted hard enough. But I couldn't.

Clouds moved back over the moon but the sky was slowly lightering as the sun starting to rise in the east.  It mustn't be to long until dawn now. For a moment, staring down into the darkness, I suddenly realised what I'd just done. I just staked Rose, my Roza. I wanted to throw myself in after her, because surely there was no way I could watch the sun start a new day where Roza wouldn't exist in.

Dimitri. You have to live. My inner voice sounded so much like Roza's voice. The real Roza's. Whether the voice was Roza's or not it was right. I have my family to think about. The real Roza would want me to live.

With a shaking breath, I climbed over the edge and dragged my weary body to the closest tree. I didn't know how I would go on living now I had lost my heart, but I knew that I wanted to.

Even with the sun starting to rise, I wasn't safe out here. There could still be Strigoi in the forest so with my body that felt like it was falling apart, I began to walk back to the resort one step at a time.

I didn't come across anyone until I reached the gate of the resort. Two Guardians I didn't know ordered me to stop, I looked up at them so they could examine my eyes to ensure I wasn't a Strigoi. I had to be a mess after everything I'd been through tonight. It wasn't a wonder they'd stopped me.

"Belikov?" A familiar voice called out.

I turned to face someone I really didn't want it see tonight.

"Guardian Hathaway." I replied as I turned around.

Shock washed over me when I saw her. She looked like she had aged 20 years in one night.

"Did you... Did you find her?" She croaked, tears brimming in her eyes.

"I did." I whispered back, looking at the ground, waiting for the next question she would inevitably ask.

"Ohh...." She sniffed. "Did you kil...did you free her?" She sobbed.

"I did." I whispered again, not lifting my eyes from the ground. "I need to report to Alberta. Excuse me."

I left as soon as I could, I couldn't bring myself look at the mother of the woman I loved. But as I entered the resort I heard Janine whisper "thank you" after me.

I knew the relationship between Rose and Janine was tense at best, but I never doubted they loved one another deep down. However it's wasn't Rose's mother I felt I had to support and break the news of her death too. Vasilisa was the closest person to Rose, closer than sisters.

Rose valued Vasilisa's life above her own and vowed to always protect her.  Now that she was gone, I will uphold that vow for her. I will give my life to Vasilisa for Rose.

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