Equals. Chapter 34

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Rose's POV

I don't remember it ever raining this hard in March. Normally the end of March we had the last of snowfalls or cold sunshine. I actually can't recall it ever raining around my birthday.

Today's wet weather would probably set state records and trigger flood alerts in the human world. I had found that rapid weather changes severely upset the running day of human when Lissa and I lived amongst them. These rain clouds had rolled in from the north-west at about two o'clock, melting the snow that covered the ground. But it wasn't a passing thundershower. It had begun as a hard, steady rain and hadn't let up.

I curled up on the large chair Adrian had been hogging, facing the window. Beyond the thin glass pane, the rainfall looked like a gray curtain. I watched as channels of rainwater filled puddles that had formed in natural depressions. I was just thankful that the rain will have washed away the our scents and tracks leading up to the camp. Meaning we could stay here for a few more days as the likelyhood of a strigoi finding us as dramatically decreased.

Now that Dimitri was due to, hopefully, wake up as a one of the Changed and not a strigoi, Keir was happy to leave me unattended in the cabin. He even escorted Adrian out of the cabin with promises of blood and food. I knew Adrian was reluctant to leave my side but the call to feed got the better of him and he followed Keir out. Even Eddie and Christian have left, apparently Lissa and Eddie were sitting in the Academy grounds, enjoying the safety of the sun.

So it was just me and Dimitri's silent body. At first I allowed myself to fully weep. Something, I wouldn't ever let others see. I have cried in front of them but I have never shown them my complete lose of control over my overwhelming emotions. So I took this opportunity to feel everything I have felt over the last few months.

I wept to the point of exhaustion. When my weeping subsided, I remained as I am now, listless, eyes closed, tears drying on my cheeks, listening to the continuous patter of raindrops battering down on the roof of the cabin.

Sounds of him waking were eclipsed by the rainfall, but I sensed him looking at me. I opened my eyes and saw him sitting up in the tiny camp bed.



He looked so confused but by the way the springs groaned in his bed, I knew he was moving into a protective position. He eyed the entire room before finally resting his gaze on me. I watched his conflicted feelings fly across his face, love mingled with terror. He still wasn't sure what I am, I was a strigoi for all he knew.

He was clearly divided, I knew a big part of him wanted hold me but the soldier, the guardian in him didn't trust me and was making a escape plan. I was a dangerous opponent he needed to defeat. He knew all my moves, seeing as he'd taught them to me. It was almost impossible to surprise him but I wasn't just his novice anymore I was faster and stronger.

"I'm not going to hurt you. Comrade, please listen to me."

The old nickname. I could see the power it had over him, he was trying to see me as only a Strigoi but me calling him comrade made me seem more... Dhampir to him.

"This isn't your Roza." I heard him mutter under his breath.

"I am." Well, kinda. But it couldn't help me to mention that right now. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"You'll have to understand if I have a hard time believing that." His words would of stung if I wasn't so suprised he answered me.

"I do." Don't fuck this up Rose! "You are probably thinking that you are stuck in a cabin with your lover who is now a Strigoi."

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