Into The Cave. Chapter 31

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Rose's POV

I slipped into the cave. It had been cold outside, but it was a harsh chill that grew stronger as I moved deeper. It was also darker. Dhampir eyes could handle a fair amount of it, but I doubt the Guardians could see will in this darkness. Luckily for me, I have my post Strigoi vision and could see fine. It was similar to wearing sunglasses inside.

The darkness had no dent in it until a white haze formed before me.

"I wish I could tell you what to do, because I would tell you to go back, " Eddie whispered, appearing out of the haze before me. "but I you wouldn't listen."

"What am I going to find?" I ask him, shocked that he was talking.

"A mess. They are coming. Be ready for anything." He said stepping back into the glow.

"Stay with me." I pleaded to the fading light.

"I'm with you."

Then I was alone in the darkness again but not for long. As I moved further in, the darkness in front of me began to fade and fighting sounds began to travel to me. I picked up the pace, glancing in all directions. I stumbled across  bodies lying on the floor. Two were Strigoi and one Guardian I am sure worked on the Academy gate. I bowed my head and picked up his stake that was lying next to him. I couldn't pass this opportunity to further arm myself, no matter how wrong it felt. Standing, I continued running.

Suddenly, I found myself in the large chamber. A fire burned in one corner that was providing the light. Looking around, I immediately saw what had happened.

Part of the wall had fallen in, creating a pile of stones. No one had been crushed under it, but it had almost entirely blocked the opening to the other side of the cave. Apart from a small opening at the base. But in front of the fallen wall, seven guardians - including Dimitri and my Mother - were fighting a group of ten Strigoi.

The problem was obvious. Getting through the opening would require someone practically crawling. It would put the person in a vulnerable position. This meant these Strigoi needed to be taken out before the guardians could make their escape.

I knew I was going to really help even the odds against the Strigoi but I needed to take them down without the Guardians recognising my presence. I snuck up to a previously Moroi Strigoi from behind, but two of them sensed me and turned to face me. Before they charged I saw a Strigoi land a heavy blow on Dimitri's chin. He grunted loudly in pain but kept his balance and flew into a strong counter attack.

Seeing Dimitri's blood spill onto his shirt, I instantly kicked into battle mode. All the rage and frustration poured out through me. The cave made for close fighting quarters, but I was still able to evade my opponents. In fact, the close space was to my advantage because the two Strigoi were larger size, had trouble ducking and dodging. I stayed out of their reach mostly, though one did grab hold of me long enough to slam me against the wall. I didn't even feel it.

It just made me mad. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him sharply to me, suprising him with my strength. Then, in one fluid moment, I slammed the staked into his chest. Throwing his body aside, I kept moving, going on the offensive against the other Strigoi.

I eluded his attack, got in a heavy blow of my own, and, with my small size, managed to slip down and stake him before his next hit. I pulled out the blade in one smooth motion and went to assess the Battle before me.

They'd taken out two of their attackers, and Dimitri just fell another. That left five Strigoi now. No, four. The trapped Guardians bravely pulled a young Strigoi into their fold, where he receive three stakes to the chest.

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