Eddie. Chapter 28

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Rose's POV

I had to go. Not just for Adrian and the other taken victims. But for Eddie too. He must feel so lost and alone.

After a quick word to Keir about "Investigating a lead," Christian led me outside, and we walked down long road to the entrance of the summer camp.

"Isn't Keir coming?" Christian asked me.

"No. He said he is going to stay with the others and answer any questions they have."

"I bet they have many questions." He muttered.

"And I have no answers." I mutter back.

Neither of us said anything else as we walked and then ran. I wanted to help the 5 changee's, I really do. But I couldn't think about them right now. They were safe. Adrian was not.

I followed Christian in a silence daze until I saw the steeple of St Vladimir's Church. We continued down the road that wound from the main highway for twenty miles until we met the path to the school side entrance. Keeping to the tree line, we ran along side a long stretch of iron fence that lay right on top of the wards until we reached the main entrance.  The main entrance had two sets of gates. On the inside there was a set of titanium electrical gates which were always closed and only opened to allow entrance to the Academy. On the outside there were a set of heavy Iron gates. The original ones from when the Academy was first built. I have never seen them closed before. The sight of them sent a shiver ran down my spine.

Outside of the gates I could see a few Guardians in the small booth. There job was to communicate with the booth in the other side of the gate. The booths are monitored at all times of the day.

A headache almost immediately started to built up behind my eyes and I was sure I could see faces amongst the trees. Christian was eyeing me with concern.

"Everything OK?" He asked.

I nodded and peered around before asking, "Can you see them?"

Christian followed my eyeline and searched the edge of the trees. He huffed loudly and pulled himself to full height.

"Either show yourselves or FUCK Off!" He yelled out to the faces.

Most of the faces disappeared the second Christian started to shout but a couple lingered for a little while longer.

"Go away," I said. "I don't have time for you. Go." I put as much force as I could into my will and my voice, and to my astonishment, the last of the faces faded. "What are they?" I asked Christian.

"You mean who are they?" He corrected. "They are like me. Ghosts. Lost souls or whatever."

"From the attack?"


I nodded and peered around again. There was one ghost I wanted to see right now.

"Eddie," I said. "Eddie! I need you." Nothing. I summoned back up the command I'd used on the other ghosts just a moment ago. "Eddie. Please. Come here."

I saw nothing except the gate in front of us and the road winding off into the winter-dead hills behind us. Christian was giving me a look of expectation and I was failing.

A minute later, his shape materialized before me, looking a little pale. Even paler from when he was a striogi. For the first time since the resort, I was happy to see him. He looked sad but it was just further proof that he wasn't a Strigoi anymore. That and his eyes were Hazel brown again and not red ringed.

"Finally. You were making me look bad." I simply said , and I immediately felt bad for joking. "I'm sorry."

He didn't anything to me, just stared.

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