Fighting to the end. Chapter 9

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Rose's POV

I continued to stare at the cabin Mason had just taken the others to refuge in. The complete fool has led them into a dead end. If a Strigoi finds them in there, they won't have a escape route. They are as good as dead if they stay put.

Glancing longingly at the safety of bunker's entrance, I rolled my shoulders before climbing through the window. Once through, I crouched under the ledge as I scanned the area for any threats. Everything was so still and quite, it was hard to believe that the resort was under attack.

Looking before me, I planned my route to the cabin. Firstly, I will cross the dinning patio to my first checkpoint between a bench and a trash can. When I confirm that the coast is clear I will drop over the 4ft ledge and to the snow, being mindful to keep to the shadows. If all is going to plan, I will sprint across the open snow. Sticking to the shadows of the cabins, I will check around each one before slipping into cabin three undetected.

My plan was going without a flaw, or it was until I reached cabin two. I could hear shouting coming from cabin three. Hearing the blood curdling screams from one of my best friends, caused my recklessness to overthrow my logic.

I sprinted towards cabin three entrance and flung the door open. Christian was sat, propped up against a wall, holding a heavily bleeding neck. While, Mason and Eddie were is full combat with a Strigoi, completely unarmed. I took a second to take in the gruesome scene before me before flying into action.

The Strigoi straighted when he heard my advance but didn't turn to meet me. Instead he caught Mason's waist high round kick before effortlessly throwing Mason towards me. I curved my body to the right, allowing Mason to pass over me without having to break my pace. Ignoring the sickening thud as Mason connected with the door frame, I released a round kick of my own. Landing my attack on the Strigoi left knee, Eddie followed suit and with a side kick the the abdomen. The double blow stunned the Strigoi enough to give me an opening to slam my stake into his chest. With a almighty roar, the Strigoi booted me in the core of my body, preventing me from fully staking him.

Crashing to the floor I could barely breath, the blow from the kick followed my landing on the floor had severely winded me. Get up! Get up now! Taking in a deep gulp of air, I rolled myself over onto my front. Eddie was circling with the weakened Strigoi, who still had the stake lodged  in his chest. It must only be a few centimetres away from piercing his heart. Eddie jerked forward to aim a low kick towards the Strigoi ankles but at the last second he leaped into the air and side kicked the stake fully into the Strigoi's heart.

I got to my feet as the Strigoi fell from his. He was completely lifeless before he hit the ground.

"You ok Rose?" Eddie gasped, as he tried to catch his breath.

"Yeah. You?" I reply eyeing the nasty gash on his forehead.

"I'm alive." He muttered as he walked around to Mason's limp body.

My eyes flicked from Mason to a bleeding Christian.

"Go." Christian croaked. "Check Mason, I can hold out like this for a little while."

"Is he ...?" I said, unable to ask if one of my longest friends was still alive.

Eddie put his ear over Mason's mouth and placed two fingers over the carotid artery in his neck. He didn't move for what felt like a lifetime. Finally, Eddie looked up at me with a massive grin.

"He's breathing. It shallow, but he is alive." He said, his voice thick with emotion.

Eddie half dragged, half carried Mason to the other end of the Cabin as I barricade the door. Once satisfied, pulled my stake from the Strigoi's body and walked over to kneel next to Christian as Eddie attended to a unconscious Mason.

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