Sunrise Chapter 11

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Rose's POV

UGH! What happened? Every inch of my body hurt but it was the overwhelming burning sensation coming from my chest that brought back the events with Dimitri to my mind. He staked me! He actually staked me. I don't know how I feel about that. One half of me wanted to rip his head off the other  felt heart broken for him.

Sliding my hand over my heart I opened my eyes. I was lying in deep snow, so deep the edges rised about a foot or two higher then me from where I led. My fingers found a hole in my shirt just above my non beating heart. Sitting up carefully, so I wouldn't disturbed the snow, I ran a mental check over my body.

No wounds, no broken bones, nothing. Putting my hands down next to me, I prepared to push myself to my feet when I felt a cool metal brush my fingers. A millisecond later that metal suddenly burned red hot against my fingers. Letting out a hiss filled with pain, I snatched my fingers away.

It was Dimitri's stake. I could see the familiar zig zag pattern around the handle. He mustn't have got the perfect angle when he staked my chest and the impact of hitting the ground must have knocked it out.

Climbing to my feet I stood in the snow looking up above me. If I squinted like really squinted I can just see the ledge where Dimitri and I fought. Damn! That's quite a height to fall from. It's hard to believe that anything is able to survive falling that drop. But here I was completely unharmed.

While staring up at the ledge a thought tweaked in my brain. While I was still surrounded in darkness at the bottom of the mountain, the ledge above me was shining in the daylight. Sunrise! A string of profanities left my lips as I looked around me trying to make a plan of where I could spend the day. I will have to get as far away from here as I could before the sun light hit the ground. The Guardians will search this area to confirm my death death and when they find that I have survived they might search for my hiding place. 

Navigating my way through waist deep snow, I managed to get myself to a ski slope and out of the on-piste. Once on the slopes it was much easier for me to to run towards the valley. Keeping to the shadows, I run for as long and as far I could only slowing when I put a couple of miles between myself and the mountains I fell from. Now that I'm a satisfying distance away, my next pressing issue is to find somewhere to hide during the daylight hours.

It was about half an hour away from sunrise by the time I reached a town's bus station. Looking at the welcome sign I discovered the place was called Spokane. It took a few minutes, but I finally found a street sign to a shopping center, hopefully there will be somewhere inconspicuous to hide. It was a long way from the bus station, but for my new Strigoi legs it was walkable in under 5 minutes. The sun was about 20 minutes away from rising. It was weird my instincts knew exactly when the sun will rise and set.

15 minutes to sunrise and I arrive at the shopping centre. The plaza consisted of a wide, open area in front of a shopping center. A cafe was carved into a corner of the main building, its tables spilling out into the open area. A small crowd moved in and out of the complex, even at this time of the day.

"So, where are we going?" asked the Moroi appearing out of nowhere.

"You again?" I grunt at him walking into the mall only to stop in my tracks. "Christian?"

"Oh you remember me now do you." He smirked a smirk I knew well.

"Christian... I....." I mutter confused. "What are you?" I finally ask, something about him seemed wrong.

How can he disappeared and reappear. Why can't I smell him?

"That's conversation for another time." He said heading towards the mall. "We need to get you out of the sunlight."

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