Changes. Chapter 7

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Rose's POV

I haven't seen Lissa since she left with Christian in a strop. Feeling physically and emotionally drained, I went to bed after she left and pretty much past out until 10. Finally dragging my lazy ass out of bed, I swiped two sandwiches from Lissa's room fridge. I mean she was already pissed at me for no reason, this way she will have some ammo.  Besides at 10pm the Resorts all you can eat Breakfast Buffet will only be stocked with the remaining cold and tough breakfast items the other guests didn't want.

Now that my stomach was somewhat satisfied, I was starting to feel a little dirty and gross. Seeing that this was the first time I was staying somewhere with a bath, I might as well take advantage of it.

Turning the taps on, I watched as the tub started to fill with water. Picking up my jasmine silk shower gel I squirted in a fair amount, loving the smell that started to fill the bathroom.

Striping off my clothes, I turned to examine my body in the huge bathroom mirror. My body didn't look any different but boy, it sure felt different. It felt grown, like I have truly become a woman and was no longer a girl. I turned and caught the smirk on my lips when I saw two matching bruises high up on the back of my thighs. Mmmm, I see that air vent had left its mark.

Climbing into the tub, I hissed through my teeth as the hot water kissed my skin. Once fully submerged under the water, I let my muscles relax and my hair float around me. I haven't felt this light for years, since before the car crash I realised.

I floated for a couple of minutes, when my mind unconsciously slipped into Lissa's.

"Calm down Lissa." Christian huffed, makeing me think that is wasn't the first time he has said this sentence.

"I will not calm down. It's been hours and she still hasn't come to apologise to us!" Lissa shouted from where she was lying face down on Christan's bed, but I could feel she was more hurt than angry, despite the shouting.

"What is it you are so cross at?" A female voice I recognised asked.

Lissa lifted her head to look at Tasha, who was gracefully perched on a stool in Christian's room. Standing a few feet behind her, stood a mountain of muscle. From his composure and uniform I could tell he was on duty guarding Lissa, not there as part of the family. If only I could tell Tasha that.

"She has changed! We used to be inseparable and told each other everything." Lissa sniffed. "Now I hardly see her, she doesn't make time for me and I can tell she is keeping a huge secret from me."

Tasha got up from her seat and sat down next to her on the bed, taking Lissa's hand in hers.

"Have you considered that you have changed and not Rose?" Tasha gently asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, the closer to graduation you get, your priorities will differ to Rose's." Tasha explained. "Plus, you now had a serious boyfriend. It seems to me that Rose is giving you space to explore that relationship Christian. Making herself scarce so Christian can stay the night is an example of that."

What the fuck?! Tasha is defending me and Christian was nodding along with everything she was saying.

"Rose and I may not see eye to eye, but she is a great friend to you. Always looking out for you and putting you first." Christian added "Hell, she took you on the run for almost two years." 

"Princess?  Rose not spending time with you isn't out of choice." Dimitri said, moving to keel in front of her. "She spends most of her time training in the gym with me, trying to catch up on the skills she missed out on while you were both away. She working as hard as she can, so she can be the best Guardian to protect you. It's all for you."

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