Echo of a bond. Chapter 24

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Rose's POV

'I have a bad feeling.' I thought to myself. I have had this impending doom feeling for the last half hour and I also have this strange nauseous flipping sensation in the pit of my stomach.

Christian had finally convinced us to check out the campus and the old outlook post. From the top window I studied the red dusk sunset ray that stretched across the sky and traveled down to touch the tip of the trees. We have been in the outlook post for over two hours, learning the Guardians guard routine.

Keir was bent over a large book recording his observations when Christian entered the outlook. Keir looked up and glanced around the room, shook his head and turned back to his book.

"So? Do you have the rota and routine completed?" Christian asked me.

"You can’t hurry what we’re doing," I told him. "We need to know all of the Guardians movements.."

"And escape routes, weak points, and defensive ground." Keir added to the half of the conversation he could hear. "If we are seen or confronted by the Guardians, they will go in for the kill. No hesitation. Even through we have retained some of our Strigoi strength, we are outnumbered and out organised."

"If we are going to try to contact Lissa, we need to know the best hideouts and escape route in case things go bad." I further explained to a confused Christian.

" It won't go wrong." Christian stubbornly argued.

"You don't know that. There is a huge chance it will go wrong." How do I explain the up bringing of a Guardian to a Royal Moroi. "From the moment Dhampir turn 5 years old we are taught that Strigoi are evil, a evil that needs to be snubbed out instantly no questions asked. We are trained to put ourselves between Moroi and Strigoi to attack or defend without a second thought. By the time we Graduated, staking evil without thinking is so in grounded in us, it's pretty much muscle memory."

"In summary, the Guardians will attack no matter what." Keir added again.

"Granted, the Guardians might not listen but Lissa will." Christian snapped, looking between Keir and myself.

"Lissa is surrounded by Guardians. Even if Lissa...." I started to argue but stopped when a I felt a weird presences in my mind.


"Rose?" Keir peered at me.

"Rose? What's wrong?" Christian asked.

"Rose?" I swear that sounds like Lissa.

Then I felt like I had just been hit in the face. Only it hadn't been my face, it was more of a echo of someone else's pain. So I closed my eyes and tried to connect the severed link. Shoving all of my mental strength into the link I shifted into Lissa's mind and became instantly aware of her surroundings and everything happening to her.

A few rocks flew up from the ground and slammed into her cheeks. They were guided by a freshman I didn't know anything about, save that he was a Drozdov. The rocks hurt her badly, but she withheld her screaming by gritting her teeth as I shifted back to the outlook.

"Lissa. Northwest side of campus, between that weird-shaped pond and the fence," I told Christian before leaping out of the window.

Landing hard on the ground, I barely paused a second before running as hard as I could towards Lissa. I had recognised a few Moroi, Jesse and Ralf were there with Brandon and the Drozdov guy, plus some others. The rocks were still hitting her but she didn't scream or cry. She just kept telling them to stop or calling my name. To the left, led a motionless Guardian Stafford on the ground staring up at the sky.

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