Before Dawn. Chapter 10

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Something doesn't feel right. I feel really cold. Really really cold. My chest is tight and there is a strange burning sensation at the back of my throat. My mind was in a huge state of confusion as images flashed across my mind, but I was unable to make sense of them.

I try to open my eyes and move my legs but my body is just slient. The tightness in my chest slowly intensifies and it hits me. I'm not breathing. In blind panic, I fight against my body, forcing my lungs to open and sat bolt upright. Breathing in a heavy breaths, I could physically feel the oxygen filling my body and flowing through my bloodstream.

After a few more heavy breaths I started to calm my body down and was finally able to look around the room. Something has happened me. I had to look at everything twice as my vision has seem to improve greatly,  everything is so clear and magnified. I was on a large room, sitting on a metal tray with bodies scattered all around me. Which strangely didn't bother me. Looking at the female body next to me, I could see every hair, every crease and every blemish. It was like I have been living in a blurry world and suddenly everything has come into focus.

Sounds were different too, I could hear my hand moving in the air and footsteps in the fast distance. But there also seemed to be something missing. Everything was louder but quieter at the same time.

"It's your heartbeat." A voice called out from behind me. I suddenly remembered who the owner of that voice was, but it wasn't like Eddie's voice I was used to. It was cold and menacing. "It took me a while to figure it out."

Turning towards the voice, my eyes landed upon Eddie. He was hovering over the body of Jonathan Salter, a sophomore Moroi, with blood smeared over his face. He lifted his eyes to meet mine, his beautiful hazel eyes now rimmed with bright red.

"What do you mean?" I asked, my voice shocked me. It was barely recognisable.

"The sound that is missing?" He said sneered. "It's the sound of your heartbeat. You can't hear it now because it isn't beating."

What the fuck did that mean? Giving me a bloody grin, he bit back down on Jonathan's neck. Watching Eddie drink caused my throat to burn. Slipping off the metal tray, I took a step towards him. Eddie suddenly whipped his head up and issued a warning growl and beared his fangs.

"Get your own." He hissed so venomously I took three steps back.

In my retreat, I caught my reflection in a shiny steel locker. Getting closer to my reflection I examined my face. I look pale which looks strange with my tan skin and when I bear my teeth I was able to admire my long fangs. But it was when I examined my eyes I finally understood what was going on. I was awakened. A Strigoi.

A small part of me screamed in horror within my head, but the burning in my throat was becoming so overbearing, I push the screaming aside. My eyes scanned the room, which was clearly a make shift morgue, before they landed on Jesse Zeklos. My body automatically walked up to him and turned his head to the side.

I felt venom circle my fangs as I brought my mouth closer to his neck. My whole body was crying out with need as I bit down into his cool smooth skin.

Luke warm blood rushed into my mouth and I never felt so euphoric. Sex, weed or even the bite of a Moroi was nothing compared to this pleasure. If a cold stale Jesse tasted this good I couldn't imagine what a fresh kill would taste like.

And just like that I was itching to go and find out. I had almost completely finished draining Jessie when Eddie and I heard distant footsteps starting to come towards us.

"Time to go." Eddie declared and peered through the window.

Following Eddie, I examined the sky outside.

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