The bond. Chapter 15

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Rose's POV via bond.

It was late morning and Lissa was back in Montana and had no classes today since they have all been cancelled due to the attack. During our time apart, with me turning into a Strigoi had put up mental walls between our broken bond, almost completely blocking her and her feelings out. Now I was asleep, all the barriers were down, and her emotions hit me like a tidal wave. She was pissed off. Really pissed off. But I could also feel the overwhelming heart ache lurking just beneath it.

"Go away Adrian." Lissa moaned, pulling her fluffy pink blanket back over her head.

"I'm all for a lazy lie in's but you really need to get ready." Adrian joked half heartedly.

"The jet will be ready in a few hours." Dimitri added, from his position next to the doorway.

The jet? Where are they going? My question where holted when I saw Dimitri's face.

He's face was pale with heavy bags under his eyes. His bottom lip was twice the size of his top one and he was sporting a rather impressive black eye. My mind slipped back to the moment we were fighting on the cliff, just before I fell, I suddenly remembered hitting Dimitri in the face with my elbow. To everyone else he looked like a injured but recovering Guardian. To me, he looked broken hearted. 

"Wait outside please Guardian Belikov." Lissa ordered.

Dimitri gave Adrian a disapproving glance before stepping out, closing the  door behind him.

"Why does she think she can just snap her fingers and get me to go anywhere she wants, anytime she wants?" Lissa growled.

Who? Who's making her go where? I used know every thought and ever single detail of Lissa's life. Not knowing what is happening around her is discombobulating.

"Because she's the queen. And because you are the last of the Dragomir line."

It was weird seeing them together, they didn't know each other that well and Lissa thought Adrian was a fuck boy, which he is, so why is he in her room. It was kind of ironic, actually. Their roles were reversed. Lissa was being the dramatic one while Adrian remained cool and collected, trying to appear calm for her sake. He sat on the end of her bed, leaning up against the bed poster, while she lead in front of him under her blanket.

"I agreed to all of her demands apart from leaving St. Vladimirs. 'Vasilisa, if you won't move to court, then don't go anywhere without your Guardian. Vasilisa please only wear black clothes or your uniform, you need to be seen to be in mourning.Vasilisa, stick with Adrian he will explain all the proper procedure of Royal mourning to you. Vasilisa, put in some volunteer time to help with the younger students trauma. It looks good.'" Despite Lissa's frustration, I couldn't help a little amusement. She had Queen Tatiana's voice down perfectly.

"You would have done that last one willingly," Adrian pointed out.

"Yeah... the point being willingly. I hate her trying to dictate every part of my life all of a sudden." Lissa signed, flipping back her blanket.

"I'm allowed to grieve too!" She cried. "My boyfriend is dead not yet buried and my best friend, who is more like a sister, has suffered a fate worse than death! She is out there somewhere being the thing she feared most. I lost them both that night! The only people who truly mattered to me."

"Lissa..." Adrian started but Lissa cut him off.

"And now the Queen wants me to go gto Court. To put on a brave face and a pretty smile while telling our people that St. Vladimir's is a safe place for them to send their children. That I should use this tragedy to fullfil my duty as a Princess."

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