The Battle Is Coming . Chapter 25

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Rose's POV.

The whole world was still. At this time of night, there were no birds or anything, but it seemed quieter than usual. Even the wind had fallen silent.

Keir looked at me pleadingly. The nausea and prickling intensified as more and more strigoi past us. My nausea was increasing and I didn't understand why, but somehow I could sense the Strigoi around us. That was what was making me feel sick.

"Rose... we should go ..." said Keir quietly and carefully.

But I couldn't make myself move or even talk. I didn't know what to do next.

A snap of a twig brought our attention  twenty paces behind us. Keir roughly pushed me further into the hedge as two strigoi I recognised walk past.

Eddie and Nathan.

"Eddie." I barely whispered but it was enough for Keir to slap his hand around my mouth.

"shh." He hissed in my ear as he practically held me down with his body.

5, 10, 20 Strigoi passed us, some grinning eagerly and some looked starving.

Eventually the nest had completely past us. I counted 56 in total. 56 strigoi was pretty much an entire army, not much will stand in there way. I went to stand but Keir tighten his grip held me in place. He waited a few moments longer before he whisper for me to stay hidden.

With one hand firmly pressing down my shoulder, Keir poked his head out of the hedge and scoped out the surrounding area. Once he was happy the coast was clear, he removed his hand and helped me to my feet.

"We need to put as much distance between us and the Acdamey as we can." Keir stressed, his eyes flickering around us.

I felt my body halt and I simply stared at his worried face. Away from the Academy? He did not intend to stay close so we could help the Guardians defeat the invading strigoi? Surely he wasn’t suggesting for us to abandon them, for me to abandon Dimitri and Lissa. To abandon Mason and all the defenceless children and the only home I've ever known?

It didn't sit well with me but I couldn't ignore the little voice in my head telling me that running made sense. What else could we do?

We, two ex-dhampir ex-strigoi, weren’t strong enough to fight the an army size Strigoi nest. Then again neither were the Guardians. And they are not likely to accept our help anyway.

So what was the point of staying? Yet I knew I wouldn't give up so easily. I would fight until my last breath.

"I can't go." I told him. "This is my home and they are my family, I can't leave them to die."

"That's looked like best and most savage fighters from the nest." Keir argued. "It's going to be a blood bath. You will be walking to your death."

"I have been prepared to die in battle since I was 5." I told him, gathering myself to my fullest hight. "If today is the day I am destined to die, so be it."

"So be it." A cold voice snarled from behind me.

I froze and I saw Keir do the same. I have been so focused on my little speech I have ignored the nausea that's was flipping around in the pit of my stomach.

Keir and I saw turned to face the voice at the same time, but I was closer. Two pale faces. Two sets of red eyes. One of the Strigoi swooped toward me, and I could almost imagine he was flying, just like vampire legends used to say.

But I was now nearly as fast and nearly as strong. I braced my feet and bared my fangs ready to met the Strigoi's attack. I hardly moved an inch when he collided into me which gave me the element of suprise as he clearly expected to knock me off my feet.

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