Our Next Move. Chapter 29.

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Lissa POV

I'm exhausted which isn't a shock really since I've used alot of my healing abilities on my fellow class mates before being pulled into a emergency meeting.

Protocol states that if the Academy is under threat, the head mistress, the school's Guardian Captain and the highest ranked Moroi present will determine whether the Moroi and Dhampir students would be evacuated or not. If this attack happened a few months ago, Lord Branet Tarus, younger brother of the Tarus Prince and  Head of Literature would of been called to make this decision with the Head Mistress. However, I am now eighteen and as the Dragomir Princess, I have the highest rank on campus. I didn't particularly feel qualified to make such an important decision but if there's one thing I learnt from Rose, it was when Duty calls you answer.

Between the three of us, we made a decision. Is extremely rare for Striogi to attack twice and there isn't a large enough ward protected strong hold close enough for us to be able to evacuate the entire campus to before sunset.

If we did try to evacuate, the Moroi staff and students would of been first. To move that amount of Moroi, they would need a huge Guardian escort, practically the entire schools Guardian payroll would be required. That would mean leaving the Dhampir staff, Novices to fend for themselves. None of us, including Kirova, liked the idea of leaving Dhampir children behind. So, we will all stay.

Decision made, I was being escorted by Guardian Belikov back to my dorm to get some much needed sleep. Since the 1st attack at the resort Guardian Belikov hasn't left my side. In fact, the only time he leaves is when I am sleeping and even then I have Guardian Katy Simms stand guard outside my dorm room door. Guardian Belikov has always been very professional but since the resort he has seemed sad. Very sad, as if he is grieving.

Not for the first time, I wonder if he lost someone special at the resort attack, because he looks how I feel. Broken. Missing that person who made you feel one of a kind and you loved with all your heart.

I have seen the longing look in his eyes, it's the same I see in the mirror when I think about Christian's blue eyes and reminisce about time together the the church attic. Christian. I miss him so much. I loved him so much.

"Princess?" Belikov said softly. "We are here."

"Oh! I didn't realise I was back at my dorm, I had was  lost in my thoughts." I apologised to him.

"Don't worry Princess, you have a lot on your plate." He said kindly. "You were safe with me."

"I know." I smile at him. I opened my door and turned back to him. "I always feel safe with you. Rose always said you were the best Guardian she ever met. She trusted you 100% and that was high praise coming for her. She never trusted anyone completely."

"Thank you Princess."

There! That look again. Could he be morning for Rose? I mean it would make sense as she was his student and they spent alot of time together. But it seems more than that -

"I shall stand guard for another hour until Guardian Simms replaces me." He said his features all smooth again.

"OK. Thank you." I say and shut the door behind me.

Pushing my thoughts aside, I dragged myself to my bedroom. Slipping off my shirt, I pulled Christian's hoody around me and inhaled deeply. It still smells like him. I inhaled again waiting for that emotional damn in my chest to break, like it does every night. Before I could slump on my bed, my phone started to vibrate.

Uh, it's a unknown number.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi. It's me. It's Rose." Said a voice I knew better than my own.

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