Protecting Him. Chapter 32

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Rose's POV

Instantly, I kicked into battle mode. All my fear and rage poured out through me. I charged.

I moved faster than I have moved before. The Strigoi barely had time to straighten when I clashed into him, I shoved all my strength through my shoulder and successfully knocked the Strigoi back a few feet. I protectively crouched over
Dimitri's bleeding limp body. Pulling back my lips, I bared my fangs and a warning growl grumbled loudly from my chest.

I feel like I’m outside myself. Like something animalistic, feral even. I had one goal: protect Dimitri no matter the cost.

The Strigoi rolled to his feet and stared at me with undeniable shock. I knew he could sence the power radiating from me just like I can smell how scared he is. It is pouring out of him. I let out another growl.

However, this Strigoi was feeling more sure of himself than the last two because he launched himself at me. But I was ready and dived to meet him mid air. We both flew backward onto the floor. I recovered first and landed a few punches, but in such a small fighting space, I wasn’t anywhere near up to full strength and the Strigoi was far heavier and stronger of the two of us.

A quick swipe at my legs forced me onto the ground and allowed the Strigoi to loom over me, trying to find access to me neck. But I fought with a vengeance. Hooking my leg around his left, I simultaneously griped his left shoulder and forced my forhead up into his nose, successfully breaking it. Taking advantage of his distraction, I pulled down his left leg and shoulder, flipping him onto his back and where I bit into his neck. 

Then it was over. A wave of exhaustion washed over me. I felt no triumph. No pleasure. Just emptiness. I released the Strigoi who's glassed over eyes were widened with astonishment. His eyes had returned to deep brown colour he must of had when he was human which were oddly almost exactly the same colour of Dimitri's.


I rushed to him. A small smile was curled the edge of his lips. His eyes were close and his breathing was very labored. Blood was all over his face and neck.

"No," I whispered. "Dimitri! You can't die. Not here." Grabbing his hand, I checked his pulse, weak and feeble. No, no, no!

"They are coming." Eddie whispered in my ear. I looked beside me and saw no-one. We need to get out of here.

I looked between Dimitri and Adrian, trying to figure out how to carry them. I wasn't even sure why Adrian had lost consciousness. Was it due to blood loss? Did he get injured? Making a snap decision, I grabbed Dimitri 's stakes and stuffed them into my jeans waist band, flipped Adrian over my shoulder as out of the two large men, he was the smallest. Which meant I had to grab Dimitri by the collar and drag him out. Which I did, as I headed down the cave corridor the group escaped through.

Farther down the corridor, I saw faint purplish light. The exit. I continued to run to the exit, dragging Dimitri behind me. I could feel the remaining Strigoi watching our retreat until we finally emerged into the open air. The sun, I was dismayed to see, was nearly gone.

I stopped only for a second to check Dimitri was still breathing but then I saw a group of Strigoi skidding to a halt just on the edge of the waning light.

Shit. The sun will be down in fifteen minutes. The Strigoi were gathered at the entrance, their red eyes gleaming with anticipation. They completely filled the opening, ten I believed. Maybe more. With me carrying and pulling Adrian and Dimitri even my fifteen-minute lead might not be enough to get us to safely. But I'm still going to try.

I must of been running for a hour now. One more and I should reach the camp. The Strigoi never caught up to us, which led me to assume they either let us go or they followed the Guardians back to the Academy. I hope it wasn't the latter.

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