Chapter 11

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A/N: the rest of the story will be in a third person POV from now on. Unless I decide the situation needs an individual POV. :)


Alexis woke up to the sound of a camera clicking. The flash was what woke her up. Raph woke up at the click as well and he groaned.

"Mikey!!" He groaned louder. Mikey snapped another picture of him.

"This one will be labeled 'Angwy Waphie'!" Mikey laughed as he ran out, Raph close behind him. Alexis laughed and winced in pain. Raph came back in, rolling his eyes after teaching Mikey a lesson. He looked at Alexis and smirked.

"Babe," said Raph. "Stop laughin', you'll hurt yourself." He chuckled as he placed a light kiss on her forehead.  She blushed lightly and smiled.

"I'm okay.. Waphie." She teased, smirking. He glared playfully.

"BREEAAAKFAAST!!" They heard Mikey yell from the kitchen. Alexis ran out and smiled.

"I'm starving! What's for breakfast?" She asked.

"BAE!" He said excitedly. She giggled.

"Bae?" She asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Bacon And Eggs! Right?" He said happily. She giggled again.

"Sure Mikey... sure." She smiled, patting his head.

"BON APPETIT!" Mikey said as he put food on all six plates. "Lexi could ya go get Splinter?" She nodded and hesitantly walked toward the dojo. She opened the door and saw Splinter meditating. She walked slowly over to him.

"S-Splinter?" She gulped. She was terrified of this rat. He opened his eyes and looked at her.

"Ah, Alexis! Come in." He said, smiling at the human before him. She walked closer to him.

"Uh.. M-Mikey cooked bacon and eggs if you'd like some.." she said, still fearful. He looked at her with concerned eyes.

"Do you fear me, child?" He asked. She nodded slowly. He smiled kindly. "You do not need to fear me. I do not wish to harm you."

"Sorry I just have a huge fear of... rats. And standing in front of a giant one just terrifies me." She apologized. He nodded in understanding.

"I understand, child." He said. "Are you comfortable here?" She nodded.

"Yes, everyone's been so nice. Well.. except Leo... he still.. doesn't really trust me." She sighed.

"He is a leader. It takes time to earn his trust." He nodded. "Anyway, I will be out in a minute." She smiled and walked back out.

"He said he'll be out in a minute." She said,  smiling at Mikey as she sat next to Raph. He put his hand on hers and smiled at her. She smiled back. This earned some confused looks from the guys.

"Are you guys..." Leo trailed off in confusion. She gulped in fear and looked at Raph. He looked back at her and sighed. Raph shook his head. Leo glared and looked back at his food. She sighed and set her fork down, pushing her plate away. Mikey frowned.

"Don't like it?" He pouted.

"Oh no no sweetie I like it, its very good. I just.. don't have an appetite anymore." She glared at Leo, who looked at her.

"Is something wro--"

"I'm fine Mikestar.." she said, walkikg to Raph's room and shutting the door. Everyone looked at Raph. He rolled his eyes.

"I'll go see whats wrong." He grumbled. He walked to the door and opened it.

"Alexis, whats wrong, baby girl?" He asked after shutting the door. She looked at him with sad eyes.

"Your brother hates me." She sighed.

"No he doesn--"

"Do you see the way he glares at me?" She raised her voice. "He hates me." Raph sighed.

"Alexis.." he grabbed her hand. She pulled it away slowly.

"If.. if the leader hates me.. I shouldn't be here.." she stood up and walked to the door.

"Where are you going?" He asked worriedly.

"Out." She mumbled.

"No, please! You could get attacked! The Foot are probably looking for you! They'll kill you!" He shouted. She walked out.

"Raphael, I'm just going to walk around the sewers. I'm not welcome here anyway." She glared at Leo as she walked out. Raph groaned.

"What's wrong with her?" Leo asked. Raph glared at him. "Bro, what'd I do?"

"Why do you hate Alexis, Leo, huh?" Raph scowled.

"Raphael, she's part of the foot clan!" Leo said. "She can't be trusted!" Raph rolled his eyes.

"It's been a month, Leonardo!" Raph yelled.

"I don't care!!" Leo yelled slightly louder. "She can't be here! She'll only tell Shredder where we are!!" The words stung Raphael. Shredder. The one who ruined Alexis' life.

"Shredder?" Raph stepped closer to Leo. "Shredder is the reason she's here. He betrayed her, and nearly killed her."

"She can't be here." Leo said a final time.

"She has NOWHERE else to go!!" Raph screamed, ready to jump on Leo.

"Why do you even care?!" Leo stood up and pushed Raph.

"Because I LOVE HER!!" Raph punched Leo and ran out of the lair to look for Alexis.

After about 25 minutes of searching, he finally found her. She was sitting down in a dark corner, he could hear her crying. He saw something in her hands.

"Alexis.." he whispered.

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