Chapter 27

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Alexis' POV


"Hello my sweet." I hear the soft voice of a woman. She sounds so familiar. "I've missed you, darling."

"M-mom?" I gasp out. Though I feel a ghostly hand on my face, I see nobody.

"Come with me." She whispers. I see the image of a beautiful woman.

"Mom.." I whisper. She smiles. She says something inaudible and everything turns dark.

The one blue sky turns dark and cloudy.

The once calm air around me becomes violently windy.

My mother starts to fade away.

"Mom, no" I yell out. "You can't leave me again!!" I now start to cry until I hear a very familiar deep voice. I turn around.




Not him again..


"Hello my daughter." He says. I can hear his evil smirk.


"No.. Get away." I try to yell. I can't even speak now. He steps toward me but I fall through the ground. I can't scream. I'm dying. I land... In the lair?

"Alexis." Says Raphael. I gasp happily. He scowls at me.

"We can't be together. We're too different!" He yells, as if it is MY fault.

"We can make it work!" I'm finally able to cry out.

"No! Get out of my life! I hate you, I hate you!!!" He yells again. I drop to the floor, very weak by now. As I'm on my knees begging for mercy, the world changes around me once again. I look up and everything is calm and bright as it was before it went to hell. I see my mom.

"My sweet Alexis. I think you know what you need to do." she says quietly in her soft, sweet voice. I shake my head no.

"N-no. What do I need to do?" I panic. she smiles slightly.

"You will know in time." She whispers as she disappears into a thick fog. I feel the tip of a gun pressed against ny head. I look over to see Karai.

"Goodbye sister."  She sneered before pulling the trigger.  I hear the gunshot. Everything is black.


"Mom!!" I screamed as I shot up quickly in the bed, waking Raphael.

"You okay baby?" He mumbled sleepily. I shakily nod slowly.

"Y-yeah.." I whispered. "Just a.. bad dream. Go back to sleep." I kissed his cheek and got up. I got into my robe and walked out into the living room. I sighed as I sat on the couch with my head in my hands.

"What do I have to do, mom?" I whispered to my dear mother. I felt a cold hand on my shoulder as I sobbed quietly.

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