Chapter 24

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"L-Leonardo?" The girl asked. He slowly nodded.

"Sa... Savanna.." He gasped. She nodded. "I-I.. you're... dead..." she shook her head.

"No... you left before anything happened. They did stab me many times. I simply passed out. As they were about to burn my body, I woke up and kicked the soldier in the balls." She explained. "When he fell, I went to find a sewing kit to stitch up my wounds."

"But... how did you survive being stabbed so many times?" He asked, slowly stepping more toward her. She cracked a smirk.

"You know me. I'm a strong girl. I learned from the four best." She said, walking closer to Leo.

"What happened after that?" He asked.

"They decided to hold me as a prisoner with hopes that I'd someday give out your location." She sighed. "I finally managed to escape. I've been out here all day jumping roof to roof. A part of me hoping to see you or at least one of your bros."

"Savanna I.. I've missed you so much!" He cried softly as he wrapped her in a tight hug. She hugged back, tears now falling from her own eyes.

"I've missed you too Leo." She whimpered. He pulled out of the hug slightly, wiping her tears away.

"I'm here now." He whispered right before kissing her sweetly. She happily returned this kiss. When they pulled apart, he spoke again. "Everything's gonna be okay." She smiled through her tears.

"How are your brothers and Master Splinter?" She asked hopefully.

"Eh same ol' same ol'." He shrugged. "Raph has a girlfriend now though." They both smirked.

"Oh really?" She asked surprised. "When do I get to meet the lucky lady?"

"Uh right now. You're coming back to the lair. " Leo said with a smirk. Savanna gasped and jumped up and down.

"Yay!" She squealed as they took off toward the lair. Leo shook his head, smiling.

"Reasons why I love you, 'Vanna." He sighed.

"I love you too Leo." She giggled.

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