Chapter 17

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A/N: you will learn to love my cliffhangers because I love you almost as much as Raphael!! >:)


"Hello?" She heard a voice on the other line.

"Donnie!" She yelled. Alexis stirred at the name.

"April? Is everything okay?!" He asked

"No! I'm holding a girl a-and shes unconscious! I can't get her down to the sewers by myself you gotta help me!" She yelled. "She.. sliced her arms! She's losing blood fast! Please hurry!"

"I'll track your location and be there asap!" He said and she hung up. She checked Alexis for a pulse. She sighed in relief as she felt it. She saw her chest moving and let out another sigh. She heard footsteps and turned around.

"Let me have a look at-- oh my g-god.." Donnie gasped as he saw Alexis' limp body. "R-Raph can't see this." April looked at him.

"Because the blood?" She asked. He simply looked back at her.

"No.. this is his girlfriend." He sighed.

"Is he the one who.." she trailed off. He nodded.

"Yeah. Long story." He picked Alexis up. He carried her to the lair and April followed.


Donnie set Alexis on the table and removed the blood soaked shirt from her arm. He gasped at the sight. Three large gashes ran up her wrist.  Raph walked in after seeing Donnie carry a limp body to his lab. April pushed him out.

"Raph you can't see this." She warned.

"Why?" He asked, looking over her. "I need to see he--" He widened his eyes. He pushed passed April and stood over Alexis' limp body.

"Alexis.. oh my god please.." he whispered. He stroked her cold face. He looked at Donnie. "Is.. is she dead?" He asked, his heart breaking at the thought.

"No. I'm about to stitch up the gashes. Then she needs to let the blood pump and hopefully she'll be okay." Donnie sighed.

"I need her to survive.." Raph whimpered. He looked at Donnie with pleading eyes filled with tears of despair. "Please Donnie I need her." Donnie nodded.

"I'll... give her some adrenaline.." said Donnie. "I just hope it works for her like it worked for us.." he put an IV in her good arm. He sighed and injected the adrenaline. After about 5 minutes, Alexis sat up quickly, gasping for air.

"Alexis!" Raph yelled happily. She looked at him and widened her eyes.

"How the hell did I end up back here and why is Raphael so happy to see me?!" She asked all in one breath. She breathed in hard. "Aaand who're you?" She pointed at April.

"Well..." Donnie and April said in unison.

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