Chapter 28

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"Raph." Alexis whispered as she entered the room again. He simply groaned.

"Baby, get up. I need help." She tried dragging his feet off the bed. She fell on her butt when her hands slipped. "Ow!" He shot up.

"Are you okay?!" He asked frantically yet sleepily.

"I'm fine but get up!" She yelled. He groaned loudly and sat up.

"Whaaaat?" He whined.

"There's a way we can make our relationship work even better!" She said excitedly.

"What is it??" He asked eagerly.

"I dunno. But my mom does." She said.

"Your... mom? Wait wait isn't she--"

"Dead? Yeah. But she came to me last night, with a bunch scenarios that will happen if we don't do whatever it is we need to do." She explained.

"Uh.. well how do we find out what it is we need to do?" He asked.

"Ouija board." She blurted out.

"What?" He said, stunned. She sighed.

"Look I know it sounds crazy. But it's the only way we both can contact her." She said. He shrugged.

"Worth a shot." He simply said. She smiled.

"Now we need to get Donnie to make one. Store bought don't work at all." She said. He nodded.

"Alright, we'll get the stuff for him to make it tomorrow? I'm still very tired." He sighed. She nodded.

"Yeah why not. I'm tired too. Let's go back to bed." She mumbled as we walked back to their room. They both quickly fell asleep.

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