Chapter 16

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Raph walked slowly into the lab, calmed down. Mikey glared sharply at him as he walked toward him. He pushed him as hard as he could.

"How could you?!" He screamed at his older brother. He pushed him again.

"Mikey!" Raph yelled, surprised. Mikey was never like this. "I didn't mean to!"

"You sure looked like you did! How do you accidentally wrap your hands around someone's neck and SQUEEZE until they're unconscious?!" Mikey screamed.

"You KNOW my anger takes over and I can't control my actions!" Raph yells in defense. "Get outta my way and let me see her!" He pushed passed everyone and kneeled down next to Alexis who was barely conscious. He grabbed her hand. She looked at him and glared.

"Alexis... I'm so sorry for doing this to you.." he barely whispered. She shook her head and groaned,  she qas unable to speak. "I don't expect you to forgive me or even love me ever again. I just want you to know I feel horrible." He sighed. "I love you." He stood up and walked back to his room. Instead of slamming the door, he shut it slowly. Inside his room, he fell to his knees and started to cry.


Alexis woke up in Raph's bed, next to him. She thought everything was just a nightmare. Until she tried to speak.

"Ra--" she coughed. "Raph--" she choked. She widened her eyes in realization. She got off the bed and backed away, gasping.

"Ohmygod.." she whispered quickly. She ran out, slamming the door. This woke up Raph. He walked out to see her drinking Pepsi on the couch, crying and hugging her knees. He approached her but when she saw him she stood up and backed away.

"Alexis.." he whispered. She shook her head and and stared at him in fear.

"You're a monster.." she said, her voice cracking. "I-I never want to see you again." She ran out of the lair. She ran to the first alley she saw and slid down the wall. She took out her dagger. She dragged it up her arm a few times, letting the blood ooze out. Her tears and blood dripped to the ground.

"Hey!" She heard a female's voice call out. "Are you alright?" She snapped her head up.

"W-who are you?" She said weakly. The girl approached her. She had long dark brown hair and she was stunningly beautiful.

"Oh my god! Your arm! Why'd you do this?" The girl asked. Alexis was getting dizzy.

"I have no reason to live..." she slurred. The girl widened her eyes and gave her the scarf she had on her neck. She wrapped it around her arm to stop the bleeding.

"That can't be true." The girl sighed.

"It is.. I have nobody a-and the only one I have, tried to kill me" Alexis explained, growing weaker by the second. She passed out from losing too much blood.

"Oh my god." The girl said, dialing a number into her phone.

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