Chapter 5

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Leo's POV

"Sensei?" I said as I entered the dojo. He looked at me.

"Leonardo. You look distressed." He said worriedly. I nodded.

"Raph brought... an enemy." I blurted out. Splinter looked angry.

"RAPHAEL!!" He yelled. Raph ran in.

"Yes Sensei?" Asked Raph.

"You brought an enemy into the lair?!" Splinter yelled at him.

"Sensei.. hear me out please." Raph pleaded. Splinter sighed and nodded.

"You see.. she was betrayed by the Foot. They killed her parents, and she had no idea until today. She was roof jumping when I found her. We fought. Then we talked which led to her punching a rough pole. She broke her hand and tore it up. I brought her here so Donatello could fix 'er up. She ran away from the Foot HQ." Raph explained frantically.

Does Raph like this girl? I thought.

"Bring the girl to me." Sensei said calmly. "I'd like to meet her." Raph nodded.

"Hai Sensei." He said as he walked out.

Raph's POV


I walked to Donnie's lab. Donnie was frowning.

He knows. I thought.

"Alexis. Splinter wants to talk to you" I mumbled. A look of fear spread across her face as she gasped. Donnie laid a hand on her shoulder.

"It'll be okay. If you tell him everything you told me--" I interrupted Donnie.

"I already told Sensei everything." I spoke up.

"Good.." she mumbled. I walked with her back to the dojo to meet with Splinter. She gulped when she saw him. He walked up to her.

"Is what Raphael tells me true?" He asked, looking into her eyes. She nodded.

"Yes. I can't go back to HQ.... Shredder will kill me.." she looked down. He nodded.

"She is telling the truth. We can trust her... for now." He said. "Child, you must not tell anyone of our existence. And if you happen to go back to your headquarters, you will not give out our location." She nodded.

"Of course not!" She smiled, happy that she is trusted. "I-I know this is sudden... but... c-could I stay here? I have nowhere else to go.." A tear escaped her eye. I felt sadness through my chest watching this beautiful girl cry.

What the fuck, Raphael?! I mentally slapped myself.

"I suppose. Raphael, since you have brought her here, you will go with her to protect her as she gets her things." Sensei said sternly. I nodded. "First she must relax and meditate." Now it was her turn to nod.

"Thank you sir." She smiled and hugged him. He reluctantly returned her hug. She sat on the floor of the dojo as Splinter walked to his bedroom. She closed her eyes, crossed her legs, and started to meditate. I took this chance to actually get a good look at her face.

"Beautiful..." I unknowingly whispered to myself. She opened one eye.

"Hm?" She mumbled. I widened my eyes.

Oh my god she heard that... I thought frantically.

"I-I... uh.. said uh..." I stuttered.

"You said beautiful." She said, smirking.

"Y-yeah um... you're kinda beautiful." I scoffed. She blushed lightly and closed her eyes again. I examined every detail. Her shoulder length black hair. Her beautiful ocean blue eyes. Her beautiful lips. Her... body. Before I knew it, I felt blood drip down from my nose. I had been blushing. HARD. I quickly wiped it with my mask tails.

I think I'm falling for you... I thought to myself, but toward her as if she could hear me.

Thank god she couldn't hear my thoughts.

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