Chapter 3

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Raph's POV


"My parents were killed five years ago... s-so no... n-not anymore..." she said, her voice cracking as her eyes filled with tears. I instantly regretted what I said. I actually felt... kinda bad for this girl. Despite her crying.. she's kind of beautiful. I internally shook my head. No, she's the enemy. Stop it Raph.

"Oh... I'm so sorry. Do you know who.. killed them?" I asked. She nodded. She punched a pole near her.

"My fucking master." She growled. "I just found out today." I sighed and without thinking, pulled her in for a hug. She hugged me back, her tears soaking my chest. I rubbed her back.

"I-I can't..." She choked. I pulled back and looked at her.

"You can't what?" I asked, now a bit worried. What's wrong with me?!

"I-I can't go back.. M-Master Shredder will kill me..." She cried. My eyes wandered to get broken and bloody hand.

"C'mon" I said, picking her up bridal style.

Alexis' POV


The red masked mutant picked me up.

"W-where are we going?" I asked, trying to cover up my fear.

"We're getting your hand fixed up. Donnie will do it." He said as he jumped down the fire escape. I looked at Him with wide eyes.

"T-the other turtles?! T-they'll kill me!" I panicked. He shook his head as he put me down.

"You'll explain that you've been betrayed by them." He said. I nodded. "Hey.. what's your name anyway?"

"Alexis.." I muttered. "Yours?"

"Raphael. Call me Raph." He said as he opened the manhole. I smiled slightly. "I'll jump down first then I'll catch you 'kay?" I nodded as he jumped down. I jumped after him. I landed in his strong arms. I blushed as I felt his muscles. I mentally slapped myself. He led me into the lair. I was not far behind him.

"Tell me about your brothers.. a-and you.." I requested. He made a thinking face. In all honesty, it was really cute.

"Well.. I'm the second oldest. My brothers call me hothead. I have a short temper, I have the dirtiest mind, and I'm the meanest." He explained. "But I do have a soft side. But I never show it. Ever. Unless I care enough about someone other than them. Michaelangelo, Mikey, he's the immature one and the youngest. The skater boy. He's annoying as shell and he's such a wise ass. But I gotta love my baby brother. Leonardo, Leo, he's the oldest. And the leader. He's always telling me what to do and it annoys the shell out of me. He's so bossy. But.. I love him. Donatello, Donnie, hes the braniac. He builds all our gadgets and shit. He has a hopeless crush on our friend April O'Neil. He annoys me to death when he acts like I'm dumb or somethin'." He finished.

"They sound great, Raph." I said, smiling.

"They are." He smirked, looking up. "Here we are..." He pointed to a sort of distant light. I got extremely nervous as we neared the lair.
They're gonna hate me... they're gonna kill me.. I thought.

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