Chapter 2

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After about an hour of crying, I decide I would go out for a walk. I knew nobody would let me leave so I snuck out. I decided to jump some roofs. I was wearing my ninja gear in case I hit trouble. I climbed up the fire escape of the nearest apartment building to the roof. I sat and took in the view for a moment. I turned toward the opposite side and ran as fat as I could. As I reached the edge, I jumped with all my strength. I reached the next roof and repeated the procedure. After about 5 roofs, I took a break and sat near the edge and admired the view of New York City.

      I heard some footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw no-one. I stood up.

"Show yourself!!" I yelled into the shadows.


Raph's POV


The guys really pissed me off. Leo wouldn't quit tellin' me what  to do. Donnie was basically tellin' me that I'm dumb. And Mikey.. well he's just Mikey.

       I was sitting on the roof of some apartment building. I saw somebody jump onto the roof. I stood up to get a better look. They must have heard my footsteps because they turned around and drew their weapon. I widened my eyes. Foot soldier I thought.

"Show yourself!" They yelled. Hmm. It was a chick. I scoffed and stepped into the moonlight.

"Where're ya buddies hmm?" I said, walking toward the ninja.

"I snuck out. Now back off, mutant. I didn't come out here to fight. But I can take ya." She hissed. "Where are your buddies hmm?" She mocked me. "Heard there was four of ya." I smirked.

"They got on my nerves. So I came to clear my head." I explained.

"Great story." She said. I heard sarcasm. I chuckled.

"So you really think you can take me?" I asked. She shook her head.

"No. I know I can." She got in fighting stance. I did too.

"Ladies first" I winked.

Alexis' POV


"Ladies first" the mutant said as he winked. I growled and ran at him with my katana.

"YAAHHHH!!!" I screamed as I charged. He blocked with his sais. He somehow flipped me over. "Ah!" I hissed.

"I can take ya!" He said in a girly voice, mocking me. I growled and charged again. This time, I jumped over his head and kicked his shell with all my might. He fell forward and before he could get up, I stood on his shell and laughed.

"Told you!!!" I yelled. I jumped off his shell as he got up. He looked at me. "Fucking told you!!" I smirked. He rolled his eyes.

"Do you kiss your parents with that mouth?" He asked. I stared at him. I took my mask off and started to tear up.

"My parents were killed 5 years ago.. s-so no... n-not anymore." I said as tears escaped my eyes.

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