Chapter 18

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"Well?!" Alexis yelled. "Start explaining!" Donnie sighed.

"Alexis, Raphael is madly in love with you and regrets what he did. And this is April." He explained. She looked at the beautiful girl. April waved nervously.

"H-hi." Alexis mumbled and looked at Raph. "Why would you try to kill me if you love me?"

"I was angry about finding out that you nearly killed me and never told me." He sighed.

"Raphael, I forgot about that until I had a flashback. When I took a good hard look at your scar, it came back to me." She glared at him with tearing threatening in her eyes.

"Alexis I'm truly sorry about what I did. M-my anger took over, and I just.. I couldn't regain control. I tried to stop myself I really did." He said quietly but loud enough for her to hear him. He looked up and into her eyes. "I-I never wanted to hurt you." She sighed as a single tear fell from his face.

"Raph.. you hurt me. You tried to kill me. How can you expect me to trust you again?"  She slightly raised her voice.

"I don't. I don't expect you to love me,  either." He sighed. "I can't live without you, Alexis. I'm nothing without you." He walked back to his room to avoid crying in front of everyone.

"It's all my fault..." Alexis whimpered.

"Alexis... no its no--"

"April, two years ago, I nearly killed him. If I hadn't met him, he wouldn't have thought I'm 'back to finish the job' and tried to kill me." She snapped. April flinched. "Sorry I just... I don't know what to do. I love him. I want to be with him, but I can't trust him."

"Go talk to him." April sighed. Alexis shook her head.

"I'm just gonna go.. tell Raph I said goodbye. Forever." She said, wiping a few tears. She threw down her T-Phone and stomped on it. "Tell Mikey I said I'm sorry.. and that I love my little bro." She sniffled as she walked out.

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