Chapter 6

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Alexis' POV


So Raph was chosen by Master Splinter to go with me to protect me as I pack my things. I started feeling... happy. I didn't want anybody else. Just him.

Oh fuck. I thought. I like Raphael. A LOT.

He brought along a huuuge suitcase. I giggled as he carried it.

"That looks like it could pack my entire room." I teased, smirking. He smirked as well.

"Well you are gonna be livin' with us, y'know." He smiled lightly.

"Wait. Living?" I asked in disbelief. He nodded.

"Uhh yeah. Duuhhh." He said as if I was stupid, smirking at me. I pouted and blushed.

"I-I'm not stupid." I pouted more. He threw his arm around me.

"You know I was just teasin'." He mocked my pouty face. I couldn't help but smile and laugh.

"You're cute, y'know that?" I said, quickly covering my mouth with my hand. He blushed lightly.

"I'm not cute. I'm sexy!!" He defended himself. I blushed.

Yes you are. I thought.

"Sure keep tellin' yourself that, honey." I winked and walked forward.

Raph's POV


"I'm not cute. I'm sexy!!" I said, defending myself against these 'cute' accusations. She rolled her eyes.

"Sure keep tellin' yourself that, honey." She said as she winked and walked ahead of me. I looked at her in awe.

"Hey!" I caught up to her. She smiled up at me. I smiled back down. We walked out of the sewers and toward Foot HQ. I looked down to see worried and scared tears coming from her ocean eyes. I stopped her and knelt down so I was eye level with her. I had a look of concern, a look I don't make often.

"I j-just don't want to be se-seen." She cried softly.  "They'll kill m-me" I pulled her into a tight hug. She hugged me back, crying onto my plastron (AN: finally figured out what a turtles chest was). I rubbed her back soothingly.

"Shhh... shhhh..." I cooed softly in her ear. I pulled away to look at her in the tear-filled eyes. My heart broke a little at the sight. "Nothing's gonna happen to you. Not while I'm here. I promise." We continued walking.

We finally reached the building. We were below her window.

"Raph?" She mumbled. I looked at her.

"You climb up there. I'll wait down here." I mumbled back.

Alexis' POV


A look of worry and fear spread across my face. I started to speak but I was interruoted.

"B-but what if--"

"That's why I'm down here. If something happens, I'll hear it. I'll save you." He said, looking me in the eyes. Without thinking, I leaned forward, smashing my lips onto his, kissing him passionately. His eyes must have widened because he tensed up. I was about the pull away when he started kissing me back. I pulled away and looked into his eyes. He has a slight smile on his face.

"I-I'm so s-sorry o-oh my god I-I didn't mean t-to do that I-I--" I was interrupted by his lips on mine once again. He pulled away.

"Go." He whispered. I smiled and nodded. I climbed up to my window. I was expecting to see my room, tidy as I left it. 

What I saw was the complete opposite.

Raphael.. I desperately whimpered in my head, wishing he could hear me.

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