Chapter 25

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"Guys, come out here!!" Leo yelled as he and Savanna entered the lair. Mikey came running out.

"What's wrong??" He asked frantically. Savanna giggled.

"Same ol' Mikey." She said with a smirk. Mikey looked at her with wide eyes.

"G-G-G-GHOST!!" He screamed. Splinter emerged from the dojo, irritated.

"Michaelangelo! What is the meaning of this shouting?!" He asked angrily. Mikey hid behind him and pointed at Savanna, who bit her lip impatiently.

"Hello Master Splinter." She smiled. His eyes widened with surprise and joy.

"Savanna! You're alive!" He exclaimed. She nodded and hugged him. He returned her hug happily.

"H-how??" Mikey cried out, hugging her tightly. She gasped but then giggled. She spoke just as Donnie and Raph approached surprised.

"Well.." She said. After she explained everything she told Leo, they smiled and all engulfed her in tight happy hugs.

"We uh, we missed ya, chick." Raph smirked.

"I missed you guys too." She smiled. A girl walked out, looking surprised.

"Uh... who's this?" She looked at Savanna and Raph hugging. Savanna smiled at her and pulled away from the hug.

"I'm Savanna! Are you Raph's girlfriend?" She asked happily.  Alexis nodded.

"Yes... and uh... why are you all over him?" Alexis asked slowly.

"Oh! No no no! I'm Leo's--"

"Oh!! Savanna!! Leo told me about you!" She exclaimed. Savanna smiled in relief and explained her story. Alexis hugged her.

"Well I'm glad you're alive! Don't die again! We don't need a depressed Leonardo walking around." She joked. Savanna and Leo laughed.

"I don't plan on it." Said Savanna, smiling warmly. She kissed Leo and he smiled warmly as well.

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