Chapter 12

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"R-Raph.." she stuttered, surprised.

"What are you--"

"Nothing. I-I'm not doing anything." She blurted out quickly. She hid whatever she had in her pocket.

"I don't believe you. What did you put in your pocket?" He held out his hand. She stood up and pulled down her sleeves quickly. He glared.

"Give it, babe. Now." He demanded. She sighed.

"Fine... you win." She gave him her dagger. She threw her hands up in defeat. "I was just playing with it. C-carving the wall.."

"Oh really?" He motioned to her bloody sleeve. She gasped and crossed her arms again.

"I-I can explain that.." she stuttered. He looked at her expectantly. "Its... from.. my stomach." He grabbed her hand gently and carefully folded up her sleeve. He sighed at what he saw. He looked at her with sad eyes.

"Why?" He whispered, carefully kissing the deep cuts. She whimpered softly and sniffled.

"Raph... I-I'm not welcome anywhere. I finally feel safe somewhere and I have to leave.. and I'd rather die down in the sewers than in the hands of the one I call my father." She sniffled

"No.. baby, please don't talk like that." He pleaded. "You're not gonna die. You're not gonna kill yourself. And you're not gonna do this--" he pointed at her arms "--anymore." She sighed in defeat.

"Where am I gonna live?" She asked as she hugged him tightly.

"You're living at the lair. Leo can't do anything about it. It's Sensei's decision whether or not you live with us. He said he allows it. So you're staying." He stated. "Come on... we'll get some bandages from Donnie." He grabbed her hand. They walked back to the lair.



Leo saw Raph and Alexis walk into the lair and toward Donnie's lab. He was mad until he saw her sleeve. He widened his eyes and followed. Raph saw him and wrapped him arm around Alexis protectively. He glared at Leo and walked into the lab. As they got Donnie to wrap her arms, Leo walked in.

"Alexis." Leo said, looking at her apologetically.

"What." She said dryly and angrily. She glared at him.

"I'm sorry." He simply said. Raph shook his head.

"Save it, Leonardo." Raph snarled. He stepped in front of her protectively.

"Raph.." Leo sighed.

"Leonardo, you tried to kill me. Then you say I'm not welcome here simply because you're a stubborn ass who refuses to trust me even after a whole month." She yelled. He looked at her in surprise. "Yeah, I heard what you said." He sighed. "You hate me because of who I used to be. I'm no longer in the Foot Clan. I'm loyal to the ninja turtles."

"Alexis, how do I know this isn't an act?!" Leo asked.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" She laughed in disbelief. "I'm in love with Raphael! Why the hell would I want to put his life in danger?! And do you really fucking think I would cut deep into my arms, if I was just acting? I know I'm not welcome here. But that's not your god damn decision!!!" She was steaming mad by now. Raph rubbed circles on her back to calm her down, both of them glaring at Leo. Splinter walked in.

"What is this shouting?" He asked slightly angered. He glanced at Alexis' bandages, blood slightly bleeding through. "What happened, my child? Who has injured you?"

"I did this, Master Splinter.." Leo confessed.

"You cut her?! Why have you done such a thi--"

"No, Sensei. He means he upset her so bad, she cut her own arms." Raph sighed.

"Why have you cut yourself, Alexis?" Splinter asked, concern for her across his face. She sighed and walked to the couch. He followed and sat next to get.

"I've never been truly welcome anywhere. I finally found a place I feel truly safe... but I feel like nobody wants me here." He frowned sympathetically.

"That is not true. You are very welcome here." He said. She sighed and looked at Leo then back to Splinter.

"Leo hates me, Master Splinter." She frowned.

"No I don't, Alexis.." Leo sighed.

"Then why do you not want me here?" She asked.

"Come to my room, I'll explain." He sighed.

'I haven't talked about Savanna in so long.' Leo thought.

(You'll see in the next chapter.)

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