Chapter 1

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Alexis' POV


"Father? I-I think I'm ready to know why my parents left me.." I blurted out as I entered his lair. He looked at me through his silver armor.

"They were killed." He said dryly. I widened my eyes.

"B-by who?!" I felt heat shoot through my body from anger. Someone had murdered my parents. Which means they didn't want to abandon me. A tear left my eye.

"I cannot tell you that information,  my daughter." He said in this deep accent.



"O-okay..." I whimpered.

"Leave me." He demanded. I nodded and walked back to your room. I plopped down onto my bed and cried.
Why wouldn't he tell me... I thought. I once again felt anger. I punched my wall and mumbled to myself,  "What is shredder keeping from me?"

Karai came into my room. I never liked her. She was Shredder's number one daughter. Miss Perfect. She gets everything. She IS everything. I sighed. "What do you want Karai?"

"To tell you the truth." She tried not to smirk. I could tell.

"And what would that be dear sister?" I rolled my eyes. She slapped my cheek.

"Tone down your attitude, little girl. And don't you call me your sister. We will never have a connection. You're nothing. I just want you to know the truth about who killed your parents." She spat. I sighed and gestured her to continue. "It was my father. He killed them." I widened my eyes.

"F-father.. h-he killed m..m-my parents?" I started to tear up. She nodded, now smirking. I rushed out of my room to see Shredder. I looked up at him. "Oh h-hi father" I whimpered. He picked me up by my shirt collar.

"And where do you think you're going?" He growled. I started shaking.

"I-I was just coming to talk to you.." I said. He ignored me and looked to Karai. I secretly rolled my eyes. Of course.

"Karai. Out of here. Now!!" He demanded. She ran out of my room. He looked to me.

"Sit. Now!" He yelled. I quickly sat on my bed. "So now you know the truth."

"Yes Master but why?!" I cried. He hit me.

"DO NOT RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME, CHILD" he yelled. I winced in pain.

'Y-yes master..." I whimpered.

"They got in the way of my plans." He said dryly.

"Plans, sir?" You asked.

"I was going to take over this city, and make it my own." He stood up. I gasped.

"Why didn't you ever tell me, father?" I demanded. He ignored me and walked out. I punched my wall again and screamed. I sat on my bed and meditated. Little did my family know, I did this to calm down when I was angry. It wouldn't work this time.

"I will get out of here if it kills me... I can't live like this." I whispered to no-one.

(A/N: sorry this is so short and sucky. I hadc little time to write. Next chapter will be better I promise :) )

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