Chapter 4

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As we entered the large underground home, I remained not far behind Raph. I was scared. Nervous. When he approached the entrance, I saw the blue masked turtle sitting in a recliner watching what sounded like Space Heroes. He greeted Raph with a slight smile but it quickly fade when he spotted me. It didn't help that I looked nervous like I felt like I shouldn't be here. I gasped quietly as he stood up fast.

"RAPH!!" he yelled, as if warning him. He ran at me and tackled me to the ground,  causing me to let out a scream. "WHO ARE YOU! WHY ARE YOU HERE!" I stared at him with fear in my eyes. "ANSWER ME!" he spat as her held his dagger to my throat, almost piercing the skin.

"P-PLEASE GE-GET OFF OF M-ME!" I cried out in pain as the dagger slightly cut my throat as I squirmed.

"LEO!!" I heard Raph yell. Leo looked to him.

"Back off Raph!!" He yelled. I screamed once again as tears came pouring out of ny eyes.

"P-pl-please!! Ra-raphael brought me he-here!! P-please don't k-kill me PLEASE!!" I cried hard and readied myself for my death that was for sure about to come. Leo took the dagger away from my throat and lifted me onto my feet by my collar. I stared into his blue eyes, mine filled with nothing but fear.

"Start explaining." He demanded. Raph stepped between us.

"Leo." He said sternly. "Leave. Her. Alone." I lightly pushed him aside as I held my bleeding throat. I sniffled.

"Raph.." I said softly, weakly smiling at him through tears. "Leonardo... I can explain to you why I'm here..." I still kept my distance. "Just... please don't try to kill me again... I'm already dead if I go back to HQ.." He nodded and had me sit down.

"Go on." Leo said sternly. I took a deep breath.

"My parents.. they were killed five years ago. I just recently found out my adoptive father,  the Shredder, killed them. He then took me in and trained me. Shortly after I found out.. I snuck out to go roof jumping. At my fourth or fifth roof,  I met Raphael. We fought. I ended up punching a rough metal pole. Broke my hand  and tore it up. Raph brought me here to be fixed up by... Donatello, was it? Yeah.. and that's why I'm here,  Leonardo." I lifted up my hand and winced. He looked at Raphael.

"It's the truth." Raph said, protectiveness in his voice. Leo thought for a moment.

"Take her to Donnie. I'll go talk to Master Splinter." He said as he walked to a door and walked in.

"You.. have clothes under there right?" Raph asked me. I nodded. "Then.. you might wanna take that off so nobody else freaks out on you." I nodded and took my gear off and threw it in the corner.
Great... I thought. The leader already hates me.

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