Chapter 30

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"Guys! Guys! Alexis! Raph!" Donnie yelled as he ran into the living room, holding the board. Alexis shot up from Raph's chest.

"I didn't do it." She mumbled, slurring slightly, obviously still half asleep.

"Uh what?" Donnie asked, wide eyed.

"Ah, sorry.. pirate dream." She chucked nervously.

"Oh.." Donnie mumbled.

"What's goin' on?" Raph mumbled as he woke up.

"I finished the board." Donnie exclaimed excitedly. "You guys ready?" Alexis nodded eagerly and stood up. Raph stood as well and they all sat around the Ouija board once Donnie set it down.

"Should we get the others in on this? I mean, it may concern them as well." Alexis asked. Donnie nodded and left to get the other turtles.

"I'm scared." She sighed. Raph took her hand.

"Why?" He asked sincerely.

"What if it doesn't work?" She said, her voice cracKing. "What then?"

"Then we'll make it work no matter what." He whispered in her ear before kissing her cheek. She smiled.

"I love you, you know?" She said. He smiled and nodded.

"And did you know I love you too?" He asked with a smirk.  She giggled and nodded. Donnie came back into the moving with Leo and Mikey. Savanna was also with them.

"Hey guys. Sit." Alexis demanded. They nodded and obeyed. She smiled.  "So.. this whole thing is to reach my mom." She explained the whole situation and Mikey was already scared.

"Are we ready?" Raph asked. Everyone nodded.

"Let's do this. Everyone put one finger on this thingy." Alexis told everyone. They obeyed and Alexis proceeded to ask questions.

"I'm scared." Mikey whispered. Raph rolled his eyes.

"Mom, this is Alexis. Your Lexi baby." She said in a shaky voice. "Are you here with me--us?" The triangle moved to 'yes'. She sighed. "You came to me in my dream last night. You told me there was something I can do to save my relationship with Raphael." The triangle stayed on 'yes'.

"What does Alexis need to do?" Raph asked. No response from the board. Alexis sighed.

"Mommy what do I have to do? Please." Alexis begged. The triangle slowly started to move.

"M..." Raph mumbled.

"U." Leo whispered.

"T?" Savanna said.

"A.." Alexis whimpered.

No... Raph thought.

"T." Mikey whimpered.

Fuck... Raph thought.

"I.." Alexis said. "O.." She froze. "N...."

"Mutation..."  Raph whispered.

"M-mutation?" Alexis whimpered.

"No. Anything but that." Raph said angrily.

"Raph. I'm willing to be mutated if it means saving our relationship." She said, putting her hand on his face. He looked into her eyes with sadness.

"Sweetheart... what if you don't make it through?" He asked, voice cracking.

"Baby I'm sure I'll make it." She said, kissing his cheek. "Have faith in Donnie would ya?" He sighed and nodded.

"Alright, fine." He grumbled. He looked at Donnie. "If she dies, you do too." Donnie nodded.

"She'll live, Raph." Donnie assured him. "I promise. Ready Alexis?" She nodded and he led her to the lab.

"I'll see you when it's over." She told Raph and blew him a kiss.

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