Chapter 23

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"I'm gonna go out for a bit. Tell Splinter I'll be back in a bit." Leo said quickly before exiting the lair.

"Something wrong?" Alexis called out. He turned around and shook his head.

"Nah." He shrugged. "Just gonna go in a mini patrol." Raph nodded and Alexis waved.

"Alright." Raph mumbled. "Bye Leo."

"Be safe!" Alexis yelled.

"Never a problem Lex!" He chuckled as he walked out.

As he made his way around the sewer, he couldn't stop thinking about the connection Raph and Alexis had. Raph loved her so much, and she loved him. Leo's mind went from Ralexis straight to Savanna. A part of him wished she would have given out the lair's location so she would have lived. He sighed and exited through a manhole. He climbed up the nearest building and sat on the roof. He sighed and stared at the NYC skyline. A thump took him out of his thoughts. He turned around and widened his eyes at what he saw.

"You.." He whispered.


Back at the lair, Mikey and Alexis were playing Mortal Kombat while Raph was training with Donnie in the dojo.

"No way dudette!" Mikey yelled. "You're not gonna beat me!" She laughed.

"Just wait I'll win." She smirked and winked as he started the game.

"You're on!" He growled. She was playing as Subzero and Mikey was, of course, playing as Reptile.

After what seemed like hours of endless play, Alexis beat Mikey.

"Told you!!" She cheered.

"Calm yourself dudette, there's one more round." He laughed. She pouted but continued anyway. He hit her controller and groaned.

"Hey!" She laughed and continued fighting.

"No fair! You're too good!" He groaned as she won the fight.

"Woo!" She cheered, dancing. "Subzero beats Reptile any day!"

"Nice dancing babe." Raph smirked in the doorway of the dojo. She turned around.

"Thanks Raphie." She winked. He chuckled. She saw back on the couch and Raph sat next to her.

"You gotta fight me now." He declared. "I'm always Baraka and I always win!" She laughed as he smirked.

"Alright baby try me!" She stuck out her tongue as they started to play.

A/n: Hey guys I'm sorry it took so long. I had a temporary writer's block.

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